How are they Funded:
The Parish Council undertook the funding of Milson and Neen Sollars Defibrillators in September 2014 by firstly purchasing the K100 Kiosk in Milson and the K6 Kiosk in Neen Sollars from British Telecom.
The terms set are the Parish Council own both Kiosks and are responsible for the maintenance and electrical supply, British Telecom have agreed to fund the electrical supply for the first 5 years, although we hope they will continue after this period. The AED units (Defibrillators) have been donated by West Midlands Ambulance Services and conform to the current legislative requirements.
The yellow outer boxes are specifically designed for Defibrillators, they have a push key code for security, are illuminated and heated (for Winter) because the pads that facilitate the charge have to be kept at body temperature. A thermostat is also fitted to check the temperature.
Inside the box is the AED this unit is fully charged and once opened will guide you through the whole process, there is a tool kit attached. A crib sheet on CPR and what to do in a plastic folder. The Parish Council are also responsible for the maintenance of the AED, this requires replacement Pads and Battery Sticks every two years or if the AED has been used. Both Defibrillators are checked every month to ensure they are fully charged and in good condition.
Where are they:
The Milson Defibrillator can be found in the British Telecom Kiosk at the junction on Neen Sollars and Tenbury Wells road.
The Neen Sollars Defibrillator can be found in the British Telecom Kiosk in Neen Sollars near the Bridge.
To open the Yellow outer container you will need a code, codes are only given to trained Community First Responder (CFR). If you wish to be a CFR please contact the Clerk.