Cost of
6. Parking issues on Milson Village Green.
Communication from Judith Smith Milson.
5. Wreathes for Memorial Sunday
Nominees for Milson and Neen Sollars Presentations 13/11/2016.
4. Accounts
01299 832981
01299 271225
Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 07/11/2016
: 19.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman)
01584 890486
Cllr Steve Painter
Cllr Anne Horsley
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson
01299 271258
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish)
01299 271535
1. Apologies: Anne Horsley
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None
3. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 26/09/2016 and C.D. Sub- Committee 28/09/2016.
Signed as true record.
Current account balance £7516.76 Election account £451.09
Outstanding payments:
Neighbourwatch Posters x 5 Total £18.43.
Parish Assets
Neen Sollars ~ £2,623.90
~ £1,020.00
Milson Carola Morrison, Neen Sollars SP. New Wreath to be purchased for Milson.
CJ to report on recent issues.
It has been agreed that 3 days’ notice will be given to Parish Council if Parking on Green is required.
removing debris from old road to create additional parking be investigated, potentially added as one off cost to Precept.
7. Neighbour Watch Scheme
Joint Parishes are now members of Neighbourwatch scheme. DJ and CJ to confirm locations of signs
3 x Metal signs Neen Sollars, 2 x Plastic Milson.
TP to report on
CJ to
DJ requested that
TP to investigate how to obtain another
DJ and AH to visit
TP has
DJ to identify
type and where signs and new bin to be positioned and report back to Council 07/11/2016. Carried to next meeting.
Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
Potential theft at Neens hill top Farm.
8. Broadband update.
Letter and e-mail sent to Phillip Dunne MP, had holding letter but no response on points raised.
nication from Ben Walker service is still scheduled for end of December.
9. Lengthsman progress report:
No work sheets submitted again. TP to set up system with Richard Tong for ongoing time sheets.
spent time with Richard Tong to identify drains and blockages and introduced to Phil James.
Drain blockage from Milson Green towards Neen Sollars reported.
Small Culvert outside Stone Barn reported.
10. Electoral Charges Amendments None
11. Dogs fouling footpaths.
DJ raised the issue of increasing fouling by dogs on footpaths. DJ to confirm temporary signs have been erected ahead of permanent
Birch Hill Dog Rescue and raise concerns, to report back 07/11/2016. Carried to next meeting.
dog waste bin for area. SSC are investigating see response. DJ requested site visit with
Kate Adams SSC to add Tetstill and Village Hall.
consistent offenders Dog waste be DNA tested for identification and further action taken.
12. Erecting of Garage to Hilltop Cottage?
TP has E-mailed Graham French planning requesting clarification on permissible development. No response even after follow up call.
13. Outstanding from last meeting.
Community Benefit Deed.
Deed has been submitted to Zoe Walker 13/10/2016, followed up 04/11/2016 has not responded. Instructed Freeth’s if no reply before 11/11/2016 PC will no longer require their assistance.
update on Traffic management plan following conversation with Madge Shineton and Gwilliam Butler.
Signage in village preventing heavy vehicles over bridges. Contacted Highways to respond to potential disregard to
Transport Plan re A456 access only. Case ref 1175342
Highways have yet to respond.
Riparian responsibility Shakenhurst ~ no movement
to review and update objectives for 2017 ~ 18 TP, MWH and DJ.
Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
14. Planning.
No New Applications from last meeting.
15. LTN Legal Briefings Updates None
16. LJC meeting Update Minutes attached.
17. Public Open Places
Communication from Mark Blount ~ review of POS in Shropshire. TP to monitor and report when published.
18. Place Plan
Completed in 2015 ~16: Lengthsman
Defibrillators to both Parishes
Provide Car Parking, Seating and Budget to Mow Grass to Milson Village Green.
19. Public Participation.
Carola Morrison and Peter Hulland wish to make a representation ref Milson Village Green Parking.
Both representations requested parking continue on Village Green, see agenda point 6 which has been agreed by all parties with the addition
of concerns over access for Ambulance and Fire services if parking is not allowed on Green from Mr Hulland.
20. Public Correspondence.
E-mail from Judith Smith ref Milson Village Green Parking. See Agenda point 6.
21. Date of Next Meeting.
Table of meetings to comply with Standing Orders. Annual and Ordinary Meetings will be held on the following dates.
Ordinary 06/02/2016
19.00 Hrs
22. Meeting Closed. 19.58 Hrs
23. Communications from SSC:
NALCs News letters
Police Commissioners visit to Cleobury from Madge Shineton 07/011/2016 ALC ~ Recruiting for Foster carers and loggings in Shropshire
ALC ~ Online planning register not available 21/11/2016 upgrading document management system.
Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
Neighbourhood watch Survey
ALC ~ Community assets guide for local authorities.
SALC ~ SSC Local Plan review – Sustainability Appraisal Scoping SALC ~ Annual report and Audit following AGM
PCC update West Mercia Police
There will be another LJC planning meeting on Tuesday 29
Wednesday 7
November PC meeting update on LJC. Agenda Item 16.
The next public meeting of the Cleobury & Rural LJC will be held in Market Hall, Cleobury, on
December 2016. The main topics under discussion will again be the local
public transport, in particular the Diamond bus service 2L, responses to the Parish survey,
and the proposals that each parish precept a contribution to retain the library and leisure
centre in Cleobury Mortimer.
November at 7pm at Cleobury
Country to discuss parish responses. Vicky Turner has produced a parish by parish table of
membership for both facilities, which was circulated, and our combined parishes show a
membership of 13 active borrowers for the library, and 6 Current members of the Teme
Cleobury Leisure centre.
Using council tax band D, The unitary councillors are ideally seeking from us an increase of
around £20 per household, which would push our current precept up to around £80,
without taking into account any increase we may wish to impose, in order to fund our own
I believe we voted previously not to support the scheme, and this is what I shall report to
the planning meeting, unless anyone wishes to raise a motion to support it, now that we
have all the figures before us.
Chris Jones.
Milson Village Green – Background since 2013
Following the publication of the government’s Nation Planning Policy Framework, and
Shropshire Council’s proposals for their Core Strategy response, Milson & Neen Sollars
Parish Council were approached by Alan Healy & Carole Hall (formerly of May Barn, Milson)
who were concerned that the plot of land we call Milson Green might be targeted for
housing development. Carole advised that if we applied for registered Village Green Status,
we could prevent this, in perpetuity. The Council agreed that the green should be preserved
for the community, and our application was made at the South Planning Committee of
Shropshire Council on 4th March 2014, and registered on 7
Item 5.2 of the application granted states: “Once a green has been registered voluntarily, it
is subject to the same statutory protections as all other registered greens and local people
will have a guaranteed legal right to indulge in sports and pastimes over it on a permanent
basis. Statutory protections following registration as a town or village green ensure that
land must be kept free from development and other encroachments.”
During the application process the Parish Council discovered that we already owned the
land, having previously purchased it from the District council, a fact of which none of the
current members were aware. This means, of course, that the PC is totally responsible for
upkeep and insurance. Since this time grass cutting and general tidying has been done on a
voluntary basis, by some local residents. I would personally like to thank, Bob Westwood,
Russell Knapper, Rob Ingliss, Adrian Bradley, Richard Cole and others who have helped me.
As you may be aware, 2 chairs and a picnic table are now situated there, to benefit walkers.
During recent wet winters, the verges have become deeply rutted due to poor driving and
inconsiderate parking. Members of the Ludlow hunt had caused some of the damage, but a
written request was sent to Oliver Dale, and this damage has not been repeated, since the 2
“Please do not park on the grass” notices were affixed to the signposts in 2014.
The PC is very aware that parking is an issue, and 3 members have had a site meeting with
the Highways department to discuss this. An initial proposal was to create a parking bay on
the roadside between the 2 signs. However this would not now be acceptable, under the
village green status, and would have required specialist contractors anyway. They then
suggested we investigate exposing a section of the original roadway in front of the Church,
to create additional parking. This is currently under investigation, with the biggest problem
so far envisaged, being what to do with spoil. Unfortunately contractors on the new Church
pathway have just added to the problem by tipping additional material directly in the way. I
am hoping that the PC can open a dialogue with St Georges’ PCC to jointly find a way
I have noticed that there does seem to be a tendency for one or two individuals to ignore
our signpost requests (I am not referring to specialist events or funerals), and a track is
beginning to form from the T- junction directly across to Church gate. One recent culprit was
Jim Reynolds, from the Cleobury Clarion, who photographed a new Ford Edge he was road-
testing, right in the centre of our green (see page 35 in the current edition). I shall be having
a word in his shell-like!
I have placed temporary signs in the middle of these tracks on several occasions now, in an
attempt to deter whoever it might be, but to no avail. They are summarily removed or
flattened. The highways department have already offered to provide permanent
black/white bollards along the roadside, and regrettably, if this behaviour does not stop, the
Parish Council may be forced to ask them to go ahead. I certainly do not want this to
happen, as I like our green the way it is, minus the cars on it!
Chris Jones. Chairman M & NS PC 7/11/2016.
Dear Tony,
Could you please note that Carola Morrison and Peter Hulland would both like to attend the Parish
Council’s meeting on 7th November next to discuss Agenda item (9).
Martin and I would also have liked to attend to discuss this item but unfortunately we are away.
However, we would like to express our view that we see no need for the appearance of No parking
notices which have started to appear on our Green. This area of land was purchased by the Parish
Council in the early 1970’s for the use of the community. One such use being to provide car parking
when required. This facility has been enjoyed by the community for over 40 years without any
permanent damage being incurred to the Green. We find it reprehensible that without any
representation being made to the community you are supposed to serve, the Council have taken it
upon themselves to try to alter the status quo. We would have thought that such use of the
Green over a long period would have established the community’s legal right to continue using this
We also understand that there is some thought of planting shrubbery on our Green, which would
totally take away its character.
We also wonder for the need in the middle of the countryside for a roped off area to promote the
growing of grass or a wild environment! This is not the middle of a suburban area.
Please make sure that our views are placed before the Council.
Judith Smith
Responsible Officer
Committee and date
South Planning Committee
4 March 2014
Application to Register The Green at Milson as a Village Green
Claire Porter
01743 252763
01743 252795
1. Summary
This report relates to an application made under section 15(8) of the Commons Act 2006 to register The Green at Milson as a village green (“the
2. Recommendations
That the Application be accepted and the land shown edged red on the plan accompanying the application (Plan 1) be added to the Register of Village
Greens for the reasons set out in this report.
3. Risk Assessment and Opportunities Appraisal
Human Rights Appraisal
The contents of the report are compatible with the provisions of the Human Rights Act. The landowner has made the Application and no publication of the
Application is required by the relevant legislation.
Environmental Appraisal
The procedure for considering this application will have no environmental implications
Equalities Appraisal
The contents of this report do not raise any equalities issues.
Risk Management Appraisal
This report deals with the processes to be followed to fulfil the Council’s statutory duty. Risk management has been appraised as part of the
consideration of this Report.
Contact: Claire Porter (01743) 252763
Page 1 of 4
The relevant parts of Section 15 state that: –
South Planning Committee – 4 March 2014
Application to Register The Green at Milson as a Village Green
Community / Consultations Appraisal
No consultation upon the matters contained in the Application is required under the Commons Act 2006 because the Application has been made on a
voluntary basis by the landowner.
4. Financial Implications
The matters contained in this report do not give rise to any financial implications for the Council.
5. Background
This report concerns an application for the registration of land in front of St. George’s Church, Milson as a town or village green, by way of voluntary
dedication under section 15(8) of the Commons Act 2006.
Once a green has been registered voluntarily it is subject to the same statutory protections as all other registered greens and local people will have
a guaranteed legal right to indulge in sports and pastimes over it on a permanent basis. Statutory protections following registration as a town or
village green ensure that land must be kept free from development and other encroachments.
As the Commons Registration Authority, it falls to the Council and this committee to determine the Application. The authority is not required to
advertise the Application, nor to examine the merits of registering the land; it needs only to be satisfied that the applicant is legally entitled to apply to
register the land and that the consent of any leaseholder of, and the proprietor of any relevant charge over, the land has been given.
The Application
On 30 January 2013 the Council as Commons Registration Authority received an application from Milson and Neen Sollars Parish Council to register The
Green at Milson as a village green under section 15(8) of the Commons Act 2006 (“the 2006 Act”).
The Law
(8) The owner of any land may apply to the commons registration authority to
register the land as a town or village green.
(9) An application under subsection (8) may only be made with the consent of
any relevant leaseholder of, and the proprietor of any relevant charge over,
the land.
Contact: Claire Porter (01743) 252763
Page 2 of 4
South Planning Committee – 4 March 2014
Application to Register The Green at Milson as a Village Green
(10) In subsection (9)—
• “relevant charge” means—
(a) in relation to land which is registered in the register of title, a registered
charge within the meaning of the Land Registration Act 2002 (c. 9);
(b) in relation to land which is not so registered—
(i) a charge registered under the Land Charges Act 1972 (c. 61); or
(ii) a legal mortgage, within the meaning of the Law of Property Act 1925
(c. 20), which is not registered under the Land Charges Act 1972;
• “relevant leaseholder” means a leaseholder under a lease for a term of
more than seven years from the date on which the lease was granted.
‘Owner’ is defined by section 61(3) of the 2006 Act which states that:
(a) references to the ownership or the owner of any land are references to the
ownership of a legal estate in fee simple in the land or to the person holding
that estate;
(b) references to land registered in the register of title are references to land
the fee simple of which is so registered
The Procedure in relation to applications to which section 15(8) of the 2006 Act applies is laid out in regulation 7 of The Commons (Registration of Town
or Village Greens) (Interim Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2007 (“the 2007 Regulations”) which states that:
Where an application is made under section 15(8) of the 2006 Act to register
land as a town or village green, the registration authority must grant it
provided it is satisfied that—
(a) the applicant is the owner of the land; and
(b) any consents which are required by section 15(9) of the 2006 Act have
been obtained.
6. Conclusion
The Application sets out the name and address of the applicant, the basis of application for registration and a description of the land the subject of the
Application. Within the supporting documentation accompanying the Application is a plan (which can be found at Appendix 1 to this report) and
evidence of ownership. This evidence comprises of a conveyance dated 26 October 1982 and made between Shropshire County Council and Milson and
Neen Sollars Parish Council. This is sufficient evidence of ownership.
For land to be registered voluntarily as a town or village green, it is necessary under section 15(9) for the applicant to show that the consent of any
leaseholder or proprietor of any charge over the land has been obtained. Enquiries have been made of the Applicant and they confirm that there are no
leases of the land and no “relevant charges”.
Contact: Claire Porter (01743) 252763
Page 3 of 4
South Planning Committee – 4 March 2014
Application to Register The Green at Milson as a Village Green
The Committee is advised that the requirements for the applicant to prove ownership of the land and consent of any leaseholders and charges (there are
none) have been met.
Once the committee is satisfied that the requirements of section 15(8) and section 15(9) of the 2006 Act have been met, registration is a mandatory
statutory requirement pursuant to Regulation 7 of the 2007 Regulations.
List of Background Papers (This MUST be completed for all reports, but does not include items containing exempt or confidential information)
Copy of Application and supporting documentation
Cabinet Member (Portfolio Holder) Councillor Keith Barrow
Local Member
Councillors Gwilym Butler and Madge Shineton
Appendix 1 – Plan of Application Land
Contact: Claire Porter (01743) 252763
Page 4 of 4
Registration Authority Shropshire Council
Register Unit No. VG36
Edition No. 1
Register of
Village Greens
No and date of entry
Description ofthe land, referenceto the register map, registrationparticulars etc.
The piece ofland known as The Village Green Milson in the Parish ofMilson and Neen Sollars as marked with a green verge inside the boundary on sheet 31 ofthe Register Map. Registered pursuant to application VG (A) 91 made by Mrs S Kelly for and on behalf of
7 March Milson andNeen SollarsParish Council e/o Rose Hill, Neen Sollars Nr. Cleobury Mortimer. 2014
7 March 2014
The registration at entry 1 above became final on 4 March 2014