Milson and Neen Sollars Parish Council
Members are summoned to attend.
Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 08/02/2016 Time: 19.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Vice Chairman) 01584 890486
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258
Cllr David Jones 01299 271204
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535
- Apologies: None
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest. None.
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 16/11/2015
To be read out and signed as true record.
- Outstanding from last meeting.
- Proposal for Lengthsman agreed motion raised by CJ seconded AH salary has be added to 2016/17 Precept.
- Motion to set the working hours and pay rate for Lengthsman.
Raised by DJ seconded AH.
Resolution: £12.00p/h ~ 28 Hrs p/m ~ £4032.00 p/a.
- Riparian booklets.
Booklets delivered to all land owners on the River Rea. Shakenhurst state they have plans to forest the area from The Rail Bridge to Road Bridge, however it will be in the next few years.
- Councillors unanimously agreed this is an urgent matter and needs to be escalated to E.A and Highways.
- Clerk to contact both departments requesting a formal letter from each department be sent to Shakenhurst Estate requesting immediate action on implementing the guidelines issues from the E.A.
Outstanding, to report at next meeting.
- Mud on road Neens Hill Farm to A456.
Malvern Hills District Council have been requested to investigate the level of mud on road created by Shakenhurst Estate and will report back to Clerk. This is an ongoing issue ..
Malvern DC have issued investigation number C2197 Mamble.
- Neighbour Watch Scheme
- Broadband update.
Due to schedule slippage the works carried out in the village and road closure at Southwood Farm the connection to Cab 5 has still not been completed, current estimated completion date Summer 2016.
- Cleobury Mortimer History Society.
Census records for all the years 1841 to 1911 have been purchased.
- Electoral register update:
Publication of change to electoral register made available to Councillors for January 2016, Password available on request.
- Woman’s Institute accounts and correspondence 1919 ~ unknown John Barnes of the Cleobury Mortimer Historical Society has forwarded the documents to the WI head office in London for archives.
- Reference 15/04867/FUL
Address: Neen Sollars House, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AH.
Erection of lighting to a hard tennis court consisting of eight metal halide lighting units mounted on eight extendable poles up to maximum height of 5m
Granted Permission
- Reference: 15/04683/FUL
Address: The Granary, Neen Sollars House, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AH
Proposal: Erection of a two storey extension and creation of a kitchen in former garage
Awaiting Decision.
- Reference: 15/03921/FUL
Address: Neen Court, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AH. Proposal: Erection of a garden room with balcony above.
Granted Permission
- Appeal against refusal to grant planning permission Highpoint Farm Neen Sollars 06/07/2015. Inspectorate visit 12/11/2015 11.30 Hrs.
Appeal in Progress. DJ gave update on SamDev impact on appeal.
- Application 15/00221/FUL Garden Cottage, Pear Tree Cottage,
Neen Sollars 09/02/2015 Proposal: Change of use of existing ancillary accommodation to form a separate independent residential dwelling. Waiting decision.
- LTN Legal Briefings Updates.
- LJC planning meeting
Wednesday 24th February CJ confirmed attendance.
- Parish Council Funds update.
- Current account balance £1,255.94.
- Election account £450.91.
- VAT 126 claims for £454.74. First payment of £230.17 has been deposited in to Parish Account.
- Invoices to sign:
Brass plate John and Angie Bettinson £28.99.
- x Booklets John Barnes £12.00.
- Defibrillation Kiosks Milson and Neen Sollars update
- No outstanding issues to raise will remove from Agenda for next meeting.
- Lindridge Parish Council have shown interest in Defibrillator granted by BHF.
- Public Participation.
None Requested.
- Public Correspondence.
Letter of thanks Mr G. Wilkinson for Gift.
- Date of Next Meeting.
TBC including Annual meeting date.
Clerk to publish meeting agenda dates for year after consultation with Councillors.
- Meeting Closed: 19.45 Hrs
- Communications from SSC:
- Agenda LJC Planning meeting
- Update from Connection Shropshire
- Emergency road closure Eudon Buenell Lane Bridgnorth
- Appointment of NHS Future Fit Transformation Director
- Road closure May Hill Cottage Tenbury ~ Cleobury
- Road closure Drayton and Peartree Lane Nr Claverley
- NHS 111 and Out of Hours briefing.
- Act now to Save Local ShropDoc campaign
- Property Flood Protection Scheme (Agenda Point 5)
- Comprehensive Spending Review (Madge Shinton)
- Community update incl – advice from the police