Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 09/09/2019 Meeting opened: 19.01 Hrs
Members Present:
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman) 01584 890486
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258
The chairman called for a minute’s silence in remembrance of parishioner, Mr Trevor Knight.
- Apologies: Price
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None at this time
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 08/07/2019: Signed as a true record. Prop: Cllr. MW-H, Sec: Cllr. SP, Carried: Unanimous
- Accounts
- Current account balance £10,714.98
- Community Benefit £4003.42
- Election account £751.72
- Invoices signed off:
Boundary Gate initiative £1487.07
- EMG Grant 2019/20 of £1500 has been applied for still awaiting confirmation.
- Community Benefit Sign Off:
- Parish Assets:
Neen Sollars ~ £3236.00
Milson ~ £1,703.00
(£613.00 added to each Parish for Boundary Gates)
- Community Benefit Applications
- As the Footpath initiative does not require direct Community Benefit funding it has not been reported in these Minutes.
- The Boundary Gate initiative has been funded through the Police Commissionaire’s scheme.
- General Data Protection Regulations 2018
- No updates Subscription paid.
- Defibrillators – No Activity
- Highways – 30 mph sign review. A proposal was made to implement affixing advisory 30mph signs to all boundary gates. Prop: Cllr. SP, Sec: Cllr. M W-H, Carried: Unanimous.
- Lengthsman progress
- Work sheets made available to Council on request.
- Public (Cllr.W-H), had made a request to remove fallen branch from Milson Kiosk. This had been done.
- The trial footpath initiative to replace stiles with kissing gates provided by the CMFA is scheduled to take place on the 26th Cllr D.Jones has now collected them, and reports that he is very impressed by the quality of these items. The CMFA are going to assist with the installation on this first set.
- Web Page.
- Still Issues with posting News and events. Clerk to monitor situation, and if issues are not resolved with Upperbridge, to look at alternative hosting platforms.
- Electoral Changes.
- None
- Dogs fouling footpaths.
Cllr DJ reported a number of recent incidents. 4 lots on the Jubilee garden, plus additional down the track, and more along the Sturt track. Given the size, it looks to be a small dog. However, the waste bin is nearly always full come emptying time.
- Riparian responsibility.
- Cllr D. Jones has removed a large quantity of fallen timber from the river downstream of the bridge. There is still much more at Shakenhurst that is likely to cause future problems. David reports that whilst the estate manager seems willing to listen, little has been done. However, he suggests we leave things as they are, rather than escalate the issue, which may alienate the estate.
- Neighbour Watch Scheme
- Updates being issued via web page when available.
19/03386/FUL (validated: 05/08/2019)
Address: Proposed Barn Conversion At Tetsill Farm, Neen Sollars, Shropshire
Proposal: Renovation and conversion of part of existing outbuildings into residential use
Pending Consideration
- LTN Legal Briefings Updates
- Crime Reduction Group meeting (CM)
- Cllr C Jones informed the meeting that the CRG would be holding their next meeting on either the 7th or 21st October (Now confirmed as the 21st ) at Cleobury Country. He will attend.
- Place Plan
Update on Shropshire Place Plan available on request.
- Public Participation.
- Public Correspondence.
E-mail requesting removal of branch from Milson Kiosk. See item 9.
- Date of Next Meeting:
02nd December 2019 ~ Ordinary Meeting
20th January 2020 ~ Precept and Ordinary Meeting
09th March 2020 ~ Ordinary Meeting
- Meeting Closed at 19.24
- Communications from SSC:
- BDLs – NALCs News letters
- SALC Bulletins – John Champion ~ PCC Newsletters
- Cleobury Level 2 Awards
- OPCC Parish Council Survey 2019
- Worcestershire Mineral Local Plan
- Farm Fire Safety meeting
- Hakney Carriage notice served
- SALC Rural survey 2019
- NALC Model Financial Regulations 2019
- Shropshire Consultation Letter
- Zurich Managing Risk
- Polling District review
- Cleobury Mindfulness Course
- Cleobury Fire Marshall Course
- Fly tipping issues Shropshire
- Vo North Unlocking economic potential
- Media release community engagement
Signed as a true record: