Held at: Live & Let Live
Date: 09/01/2017 Time: 19.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman) 01584 890486 chris@milsonairstrip.co.uk
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981 susan@susanpainter.orangehome.co.uk
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225 horsley40@btinternet.com
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258 zell@mazellawh.plus.com
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204 david.jones6451@gmail.com
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535 tony@slottools.com
- Apologies:
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest:
- Adoption of Defibrillator Numbers Scheme.
- Consideration of Precept proposal for 2017-18.
- Agenda items for Ordinary meeting.
- Community Deed.
- Meeting Closed.
The Chairman opened the meeting at 19.10.
All present except Clerk. (With us in spirit)
No declarations of pecuniary interest.
Cllr Ann Horsley proposed that the Defibrillator telephone numbers scheme be henceforth accepted as the responsibility of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Cllr David Jones, and unanimously agreed. Cllr David Jones asked that a letter of thanks be sent to Mrs Margaret Watkins and Mr Tony Price for their contributions to the scheme.
After consideration of the figures contained in the presented spreadsheet, Cllr David Jones proposed that we should make no increase for 2017-18 and the figure of £7166 be accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson, and approved unanimously.
The chairman presented the notices for the next ordinary council meeting on Monday 6th February. Cllr David Jones would be unable to attend, as he would be on holiday, and Cllr Steve Painter asked if it might be postponed, as he believes he may have a prior engagement. He will advise the Clerk and Chairman as soon as possible.
Cllr David Jones asked if the council had received any reply appertaining to the Community Benefit. It appears that Shropshire Council has now signed off on all conditions prior to construction of the Solar Park, and that the promise made personally by TGC to our community, to pay a benefit, whether the village supported the project or not, is being totally ignored. It seems indefensible that SCC did not enforce this with a section 106 initially, and now appear to have washed their hands completely of the matter. The Chairman is to contact the Clerk to jointly draft a strongly worded letter to Mr French, Ian Kilby(Head of Planning Services), our unitary councillors and our MP, to be sent as soon as possible.
On another matter, the large pink lorries delivering stone, presumably from Clee Hill Quarry, and operated by Robinsons of Worcester, are now accessing the site via the village of Neen Sollars and across our ancient bridge, in spite of an agreement not to do so. This may be because of the temporary closure of the road between Mawley Oak and Clows Top which makes access to the A456 more protracted.
Cllr Chris Jones drew members’ attention to the report in the Cleobury Clarion that the A4117 is also to be the subject of major maintenance from January 30th. This could mean an even greater volume of traffic trying to access the A456 through the village for some time to come.
Cllr Chris Jones proposed that a sign be placed on the verge at the junction by Southwood Farm in an attempt to persuade HGV’s to seek an alternate route. This was seconded by Cllr David Jones, who would action this as soon as possible, and agreed unanimously, with the wording NO HGV ACCESS.
Cllrs Jones & Horsley will visit the site entrance on Tuesday 10th January and hopefully speak to a representative to remind them of the agreed route, and point out that our bridge is unable to cope with such punishment.
The Chairman would contact Phil James at Highways for possible guidance and assistance.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 19.50.
Signed as True Record …………………………….
Dated: ………………………………………..