Milson and Neen Sollars Parish Council
Web Page and Notice Boards Consent Form 04/04/2018
General Data Protection Regulations 2018
Your privacy is important to us and we would like to communicate with you about activities, general
updates, news and events, meetings etc. which appear on the Community web page and Notice
Boards. To do so we need your consent. You are receiving this consent form because you have
requested to join the Community Web Page and receive information via e-mail. This requires your
data to be stored by the community Web Page administrator, and the Parish Council have access to this data.
The existing data collected will be deleted when the new
Web Page has been developed and only the minimum required to run the Web page will be
retained. A notice may be posted on the community notice board which contains your data.
Your Data will not be shared with a third party, who also conform to the General
Data Protection Regulations.
If you are aged 13 or under your parent or guardian should fill their details below to confirm their
You can withdraw or change your consent at any time by contacting the Clerk to Parish Council.
If this Consent form is not returned within two weeks of the date above your information will be
deleted from all Web Page records.
You can find out more about how we use your data from our “Privacy Notice” which is available from
the community web site or from the Parish Council Clerk.
Please confirm your consent by ticking the boxes below.
□ Yes, I agree my data can be held by the third party Upperbridge enterprises.
□ Yes, I agree notices can be posted on the community notice boards with my data.
□ Yes, I agree to be contacted to keep me informed about activities, general updates, news and
events, meetings etc. which may also appear on the Community web page or notice boards.
Please fill in your name and address and other contact information below and return this document
to the Parish Council Clerk.
Name: E-mail Address:
Contact number: