Date Raised Seconded Proposal
13/10/2014 GW SP Move to serve the Summons for All Parish meetings by Hand and/ or E-mail
13/10/2014 GW SP Move that Councillors to be Summons to meetings in writing 3 clear days prior to meeting.
13/10/2014 GW SP Move that Agenda items to be submitted to Clerk 7 days prior to meeting outlining Topic.
13/10/2014 GW SP Move that any supply of goods or services undertaken by the Parish(s) over the threshold value of £50.00 will have a minimum of two tenders.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to publicise all Council meetings on Public Notice Boards in both Parishes. “Conspicuous Places”
13/04/2014 GW SP Move that “Any Other Business” can not be included on Agenda only the published Agenda items discussed? Ref LTN 5 . Para 19
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to include “Public Participation” (limited to 15 minutes in total) and “Public correspondence” as Agenda items.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to include an Agenda item “Matters Arising” for Clerk to present SSC communications and previous Agenda items not resolved .
13/10/2014 GW SP Move that Urgent communications i.e. Legal Briefings, LTNs, Bulletins and Planning applications are E-mailed to All Councillors immediately when received by Clerk
and less important information presented at subsequent meeting at the Clerks discretion.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to agree charges when issuing copies of Parish records at 5 pence per sheet for Parish electors and 10 pence for others.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to create a record book of Motions and Resolutions to be established and published on Parish web site.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to create a separate record book for Planning Applications and published on Parish web site.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to post All Parish Council Minutes on web site once signed off.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move that internal and external audits published on web site.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move that all Councillors receive and sign for a copy of standing orders.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to amend Parish web site in line with proposal 13/10/2014 and charge appropriate per annum for business advertising.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to purchase 2 x wreaths for war memorial’s) for 2014 at a cost of £77.00 and build into precept an annual budget ongoing
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to purchase 2 x Kiosks in Parish(s) in line with proposal 13/10/2014 for the sum of £2.00.
13/04/2014 GW SP Move to build in to the precept the sum of £120.00 per annum for mowing Milson Village Green
13/10/2014 GW SP Move to create a hard standing for parking Milson village green CJ to provide plan, costs and risk assessment.
09/12/2014 GW AH Moved not to support Parish Council donation to Cleobury Youth Project as community already donate.
09/12/2014 GW CJ Moved to increase the Parish Council Precept by 108% to cover cost of 2015/16 financial year.
19/01/2015 CJ AH Moved to subscribe to SLCC ongoing
19/01/2015 SP AH Moved that invoices are to be authorised and signed by two Councillors and submitted to Clerk for payments via BACS.
16/03/2015 GW CJ Moved to replace summons to Parish Meetings from hand delivered to e-mail communication Councillors to confirm receipt within 3 days.
06/07/2015 MWH CJ Moved to Co-opt Mr D.H. Jones to Parish council
06/07/2015 MWH SP Move to adopt press coverage policy at Parish Council Meetings
06/07/2015 GW SP Move to report electoral register amends at Parish Council meeting by the Clerk as and when amendments occur
06/07/2015 CJ SP Move to sign off Annual accounts for the year 2014/15
06/07/2015 CJ SP Move not to hold prayers at Parish Council meetings
16/11/2015 CJ SP Move a gift to the value of £100 to be made to ex chairperson in recognition of service.
16/05/2015 CJ DJ Move to purchase two Books of Parish Census from John Barns, One to be put in Milson and one in Neen Sollars Church.
16/05/2015 CJ DJ Move to Archive all relevant Parish Council records from 25/04/1967 ~ 2009 into Shrewsbury Council Archives.
08/02/2016 AH DJ Move to purchase Brass plate for the Bench purchased by Angela and John Bettinson.
08/02/2016 DJ AH Moved Cost of Lengthsman at £4000 to be added to 2016/17 Precept
16/05/2016 DJ SP Moved the hours of work for Lengthsman will be 28 Hours per month. The rate of pay will be £12.00 per hour.
16/05/2016 MWH DJ Vote 3:1 in favour of appointing Lengthsman.
16/05/2016 DJ SP Appoint CJ as Chairperson for the year 2016~17
16/05/2016 MWH DJ Appoint DJ as Vice Chairperson for the year 2016~17
26/09/2016 DJ SP Adopt the West Mercia Crime watch program, order 3 x Metal and 2 x Plastic Neighbourhood Watch signs
26/09/2016 CJ AH Set up Sub-Committee of DJ,CJ,TP and from community to steer through the Community Deed re: Solar development.
09/01/2017 CJ AH Precept set at £7166.00 Representing 0% increase on 2016/17
06/02/2017 SP AH Purchase Vinyl Banners restricting heavy vehicle crossing Neen Sollars Bridge (Solar Farm High Point) £96.38
06/02/2017 MWH AH Skills Training for Chairperson SALC £22.00
17/02/2017 SP DJ Skills Training Election Process Chairperson and Clerk to Council £44.00
15/05/2017 SP MWH Appoint CJ as Chairperson for the year 2017 ~ 18
15/05/2017 SP MWH Appoint DJ as Vice Chairperson for the year 2017 ~ 18
15/05/2017 DJ MWH Appointed CJ as LJC representative for 2017 ~ 18
15/05/2017 DJ CJ Unanimously agreed option 2 x 7.5 tonne weight restriction at three point entering Neen Sollars
20/06/2017 DJ CJ Annual accounts accepted unanimously and signed off
10/07/2017 DJ CJ Applications for Community Benefit will be in writing to Clerk for approval by Council and separate account set up.
27/11/2017 AH SP Community web page to be updated at a cost of £250
15/01/2018 MWH AH Replace fallen tree at Milson Green with 2 x Oak
16/04/2018 MWH AH GDPR – A full set of updated documents has been agreed unanimously and will be posted on web page.
16/04/2018 CJ DJ Purchase laptop and associated software, create e-mail address for GDPR
16/04/2018 CJ DJ Contractor to clear old road and tidy area to Milson Green £1800
14/05/2018 MWH AH Appointed CJ as Chair and DJ Vice chair for 2018/19
21/01/2019 CJ AH Purchase 2 x wheelie bins Trapnel and Milson Green total cost £105.00
21/01/2019 CJ SP 5 Pairs of Boundary Gates fixing and labour £1536.70 from Community Benefit. Cost offset with Police Commissionaire Grant of £1644.00
21/01/2019 CJ SP 3 x Pair of 30 mph signs Fixing and Labour £559.00
25/03/2019 CJ MWH Funding towards Victory Hall Patio and Car park £5000.00
25/03/2019 MWH CJ Transfer £500 into election fund
02/12/2019 AH SP Erection of Christmas tree in Jubilee Garden (fittings to be supplied by Parishioners)
02/12/2019 AH SP Grant of £80.00 To British Poppy Fund
02/12/2019 DJ CJ Support generation of electric through local bill
02/12/2019 MWH CJ Erection of Christmas tree in Milson Green (fittings to be supplied by Parishioners)
20/01/2020 MWH SP Precept of £7862.00 for 2020/21
09/03/2020 DJ MWH Funding for the installation of Foot Path Gates/Kissing gates/plank bridges
09/03/2020 DJ AH Purchase and installation of 5 x Event Notice Boards
11/05/2020 SP MWH Appoint CJ as Chairperson for the year 2020 ~ 21
15/05/2020 SP MWH Appoint DJ as Vice Chairperson for the year 2020 ~ 21
13/07/2020 DJ CJ Review of online Banking procedures to be conducted inline with the Annual return
13/07/2020 CJ AH Fund Pick up litter signage Trapnel bin location and Milson Green
13/07/2020 DJ MWH Fund additional 12 x Dog mess signage
25/05/2021 CJ DJ To remove Crime Reduction Group meetings for Agenda as meetings have terminated.
13/12/2021 DJ AH To relocate Community Web Page to Netwise UK
24/01/2022 CJ DJ Parish Council meeting to start at 10.00 Hrs
24/01/2022 DJ SP Precept for 2022 23 passed with no increase in levy.
24/01/2022 CJ DJ Funding for Defibrillator training to new organiser