
Sub Committee Meeting 28 09 2016

Minutes Uploaded on February 10, 2022


Held at: Hilltop Farm, Neen Sollars.

Date: 28/09/2016                                            Time: 15.00 Hrs


   Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman)            01584 890486

Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman)    01299 271204

Tony Price (Clerk to Parish)                         01299 271535

               Graham Clayworth


  1. Apologies: None


  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None


  1. Minutes of Last meeting. None


  1. Sub-Committee ~ Agenda point 13.

A Sub-Committee to be set up of CJ,DJ,TP and Graham Clayworth from the community to manage the process. Raised by CJ seconded AH agreed unanimously.


  1. Decision on level of Community Benefit.

Motion to set level of Benefit to £1000.00 per installed Mw. Raised by CJ seconded DJ, agreed unanimously.


  1. Decision on wording of Community Benefit.
  • A separate Parish Council account to be set up for the purpose of receiving and auditing the funds generated from the Community Deed.
  • The plan referred to in “Recitals Para A” has been omitted by TGC.
  • Amendments to Community Deed have been attached, all amendments were raised by GC and seconded by DJ and agreed unanimously.
  • E-mail to be sent to David Francetti TGC explaining the process being followed by PC from TP.


  1. Time Scales agreed.

Revised drafts to be sent to Miranda Garrard Shropshire Council 29/09/2016 by TP.


  1. Professional advice on wording/legality.

Draft amendments to both Deed and anticorruption to be e-mailed to Miranda Garrard Shropshire Council.


  1. Confirmation on signatory of Deed and Anti-corruption documents.

Cllr Chris Jones and Cllr David Jones.


  1. Date of next meeting

TBC pending when information available.


  1. Meeting Closed. 15.50Hrs



Signed as true record ……………………………………



Date ………………………………..