Ordinary meeting of Milson and Neen Sollars Parish Council
Date Notice Given: 5/11/2022
To be held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL Date: 18/11/2022 Time: 10.00 Hrs
Provisional Agenda:
10.Severn Trent Water.
13.Noise/effluent pollution
14.Web Page update. Changes to increase relevance. Third party access to PCC’s and Village Hall sections.
15.Public Participation.
16.Public Correspondence.
17.Meeting Closed. Date of next meeting:23/1/2023 – Precept meeting
18.Communications to Parish Council
Note: (a) Any member of the Parish(s) can raise an agenda item by writing to the Clerk. Only items on the agenda will be discussed.
(b) Any member of the Parish(s) is invited to speak at the meeting with in the allotted time, for more information please contact the Clerk.
Signed: Clerk to Parish: Gavin Hamilton – milsonandneensollarspc@outlook.com