
Annual Meeting 11 05 2015

Minutes Uploaded on February 10, 2022



Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL


Date: 11/05/2015                                            Time: 19.00 Hrs



   Cllr Chris Jones (Vice Chairman)    01584 890486

Cllr Steve Painter                             01299 832981

Cllr Anne Horsley                            01299 271225

Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson           01299 271258

Tony Price (Clerk to Parish)                        01299 271535



  1. Apologies: None


  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None


  1. Election of Chair and Vice Chairperson

Election of Chair has been put on hold until the co-opted position has been fulfilled as no candidate was put forward. A vote took place for Vice Chairperson by a unanimous vote Chris Jones succeeded.

Letter of thanks to ex-Chair 2003 ~ 2015 to be drafted by Clerk for next meeting.


  1. Vacancy for a Councillor/co-opting
    • No public request for election received.
    • The process of co-option requires candidates to make a written request to Clerk prior to next meeting, Councillors will actively seek applicants to apply for position.
    • The Co-option vote will be held at the next Parish meeting.


  1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 16th March 2015
    • Read out and signed as true record


  1. Outstanding from last meeting.
    • PC Policy on press coverage at Parish meetings given out, to be approved and sign off at next meeting.
    • Broad band update, letter from SSC/Openreach contact. The Optical fibre lines have been laid in reverse i.e. from the Parish back to Cleobury Mortimer, but there is no plan to connect to the main spine as yet.
    • Communication to Riparian Landowners letter and booklet put on hold. Shakenhurst have informed they will be clearing their section.

It has been decided to hold back on the publication to allow some Riparian owners more time to get work done.

  • Erosion to perimeter of Village Green meeting with Highways 31/03/2015 CJ, MWH, TP. CJ reported through consultation with Parishioners the only action required was to place bollards along the area of erosion by vehicles.
  • Development of Village Hall, communication to Chair of Village Hall Mr G. Clayworth. Communication sent 10/05/2015 waiting on response.


    • Haughton House Barn conversion

No Objection filed

  • Reaside Farm Garden house

No Objection filed

  • The Nash Farm, Milson

New Proposal:  Erection of agricultural building for storage of fodder and machinery

No Objection.

  • Shropshire Planning Task Group changes to committee structure

It was decided the survey would be completed by the Clerk and a copy e-mailed to all Councillors for approval.


  1. LTN Legal Briefings Updates
    • PURDAH code of conduct 2011
    • Councils with expenditure over £25K, over £100 rule 2015
    • Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014


  1. LJC meeting 25/03/2015
    • CJ to report on meeting. Minutes issued for meeting held 25/03/2015 at Kinlet Village Hall.
  2. Place Plan
    • See previous meeting outstanding points


  1. Precept update and Bank account signatories
    • Current account balance £3894.87
    • Election account £150.75.
    • Current signatories CJ and AH. Motion to remove G Wilkinson from signatories. Lloyds have suggested the signatory remain as long as they do not have access to Cheque book. To be revised when full Council has been formed.
    • Transfer £300 to election account as per Precept summary
    • Annual account overview/outstanding payments

Agreed to pay £300 to Sian Kelly (ex Clerk) as final payment.

To pay £150 to Village Hall Committee for 2013/4/5 hire of facilities.

  • Protecting Parish assets in Hydro scheme.
  • SSC Affiliation fee error, amended number of Electors 309 to 209 £35.60.
  • Potential saving on Annual Insurance premium:

Aon v Zurich v Came and Co


  1. Annual Return 2014/15
    • Date to be set




  1. Standing Orders
    • SP outstanding signatory. Now signed.


  1. Defibrillation Kiosks Milson and Neen Sollars update
    • Both Defibrillation kiosks in operation form 26/04/2015
    • 15 achieved course certificates
    • More helpers required in Milson and Marlbrook area
    • Electrics and signage to Kiosks outstanding.
    • A big thanks to Parishioner Margaret Watkins for funding the first year’s subscription of £117.60 PA to the “Numbers +” system.


  1. Public Participation.
    • Mr and Mrs Plunkett and Mr and Mrs Bloomer requested copies of “Living on the Edge” from EA. Mr Plunkett expressed concern over Riparian liability regard to drift wood over his property and what steps need to be taken to indemnify himself.


  1. Public Correspondence.
    • None


  1. Date of Next Meeting.

It was decided to set a table of meetings to comply with Standing Orders. Ordinary Meetings will be held on the following dates please comment if the dates are not convenient.

            Dates proposed:

Monday 06th July 2015.

Tuesday 08th September 2015.

Monday 02nd November 2015.

            Monday 08th February 2016.





  1. Communications from SSC:
    • Annual Town and Parish Council Emergency Planning Briefing 03/06/2015
    • NALC what’s new for 2015 seminar 30/06/2015, many different subjects
    • NALC’s direction of travel, over view of their strategy
    • NALC Newsletters, various updates on events
    • Weekly Updates from Police & Crime Commissioner, Bill Longmore
    • Training session on the new Award Scheme for Quality Councils
    • Transform your area with “Our Place” Grants to support the development of services in the area.