Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 08/09/2015 Time: 19.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Vice Chairman) 01584 890486 chris@milsonairstrip.co.uk
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981 susan@susanpainter.orangehome.co.uk
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225 horsley40@btinternet.com
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258 zell@mazellawh.plus.com
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535 tony@slottools.com
1. Apologies: Steve Painter No Communication.
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest.
3. Co-opting Vacancy
Mr D.H.Jones has been elected as Councillor, DPI, Declaration
of Acceptance of Office and Standing Orders have been signed.
4. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 06th July 2015
To be read out and signed as true record
5. Outstanding from last meeting.
Broad band update from Ben Walker request to attend Parish
Meeting to give overview of Broadband in the Parish(s).
Decided to invite Ben Walker nearer implementation in Early
Communication to Riparian Landowners letter and booklet has
been issues to Shakenhurst, Reaside Farm, Tetstill and School
House. More booklets requested and will be distributed.
Development of Village Hall, communication to Chair of Village
Hall Mr G. Clayworth. Communication sent 10/05/2015 No
Protecting Parish assets in Hydro scheme. CJ to report.
See Attached.
Minutes from the LJC attended by CJ read and discussed. A
decision on whether the Parish (s) requires a “Village Design
Statement” is to be put on the Agenda for the next meeting.
6. Road Closure
Neen Sollars to A456 Mamble 24th August 2015 ~ 6 Weeks.
The works are ahead of time (two weeks) amey anticipate the
road will be open for normal traffic from mid/end of next week.
There is still finishing off work to be done at the A456 Junction,
however this can be done from the verge.
Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
7. Electoral register.
Amendments for August and September read out to Councillors.
8. Planning
15/02957/CPL Tetstill Farm ,Neen Sollars,
Proposal: Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for the
proposed erection of a single story side extension (for
information only)
Appeal against refusal to grant planning permission
Highpoint Farm Neen Sollars 06/07/2015.
Appeal in Progress
Application 15/00221/FUL Garden Cottage, Pear Tree
Cottage, Neen Sollars 09/02/2015
Proposal: Change of use of existing ancillary accommodation to
form a separate independent residential dwelling.
Waiting decision.
9. Annual Return 2014/15.
Submitted awaiting signoff with Mazars
Mazers inform the Council that assets donated (defibrillator
kiosks) to the Parish are to be recorded at a value of £1.00 and
not at market value as informed by SSC, Asset ledger has been
10. LTN Legal Briefings Updates
11. Parish Council Funds update.
Current account balance £1978.96
Election account £450.81.
VAT 126 claims for £454.74 outstanding.
Following invoices signed by two Councillors:
Upperbridge (Web Site)
Ex Clerk Wages
Penn & Co audit
Letter of thanks and gift to ex-Chair 2003 ~ 2015 signatures.
12. Defibrillation Kiosks Milson and Neen Sollars update
Electrics to Kiosks outstanding.
Grant awarded from British Heart Foundation of Defibrillator at a
cost of £400.00. Village Hall committee have turned down offer,
to be offered the Live and Let Live if not required it is
recommended the Council offer it to neighbouring village.
13. Public Participation.
Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
14. Public Correspondence.
Request from Phillip Dunn MP to place posters on Parish Notice
Boards. A separate request has been made for Church Notice
board, PCC has confirmed it can be displayed.
Councillors decided the material was not party political and can
be displayed on Community Notice Boards.
15. Date of Next Meeting.
16/11/2015 at 19.00Hrs
16. Meeting Closed. 19.52 Hrs.
17. Communications from SSC:
SSC Bulletins
Fire Marshall Training at Whitchurch Town Council
SSC Planning committee Agenda and amendments
Future of Public Sector Property and Estates Conference
Energize Conference: Women Make Sport
NHS Future Fit decision ensures a healthy future for Princess
Royal and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
Women make sport conference 2015 Telford
Annual Training and development seminar Cheltenham
Rural Policing matters campaign
Cleobury LJC meeting agenda and papers
Cleobury and Clee Rural Local Joint Committee meeting