
Extraordinary Meeting 16 08 2016

Minutes Uploaded on February 10, 2022

­­­­­­­­­Milson and Neen Sollars Parish Council

Members are summoned to attend.



Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL


Date: 16/08/2016                                            Time: 19.00 Hrs



   Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman)            01584 890486

Cllr Steve Painter                             01299 832981

Cllr Anne Horsley                            01299 271225

Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson           01299 271258

Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman)   01299 271204

Tony Price (Clerk to Parish)                       01299 271535


  1. Apologies:

SP (no communication)


  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest.



  1. Parish Council Funds.
    • Current account balance £9232.68
    • Election account £451.05


  1. Community Deed

Update on appeal/judgement and action required.


  1. Public Participation.
    • Mr Graham Clayworth to update the Council on the final stator review and discussion on High Point Solar Farm.

4 x Key points raised to be monitored:

  1. Traffic Management Plan: Construction plan agreed by SSC, timings of deliveries and access routes via A456 only. Plan is not agreed as yet.
  2. Habitat Management Plan: In accordance with Great Crested Newt impact study TBC.
  3. Tree root protection TBC:
  4. Agricultural Plan TBC

Areas of interest: Signage in village preventing heavy vehicles over bridges.

  1. CJ to contact Madge Shineton and Gwilliam Butler re Traffic management plan.
  2. TP to speak to Phil James re signage in point 4.

Reply: Not his jurisdiction, to contact highways at SSC.




  1. Public Correspondence.
    • None


  1. Date of Next Meeting.



  1. Meeting Closed: 19.45


  1. Communications from SSC:


Held until next meeting.





Signed as True Record: ………………………………..




Date: ……………………………..