Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
: 07/11 /2016 Time : 19.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones ( Chairman) 01584 890486 chris@milsonairstrip.co.uk
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 8329 81 susan@susanpainter.orangehome.co.uk
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225 horsley40@btinternet.com
Cllr Mazella Witts Hewinson 01299 271258 zell@mazellawh.plus.com
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204 david.jones6451@gmail.com
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535 tony@slottools.com
1. Apologies: Anne Horsley
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None
3. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 26/09/2016 and C.D. Sub
Committee 28/09/2016.
S igned as true record
4. A ccount s
Current account ba lance £ 7516.76
Election account £451.09
Outstanding payments
Neighbourwatch Posters
x 5 Total £18 43.
Parish Assets
Neen Sollars ~
5. Wreathes for Memorial Sunday
Nominee s for Milson and Neen Sollars Presentations 13/11/20 16
Milson Carola Morrison, Neen Sollars SP.
New Wreath to be purchased for Milson.
6. Parking issues on Milson Village Green.
Communication from Judith Smith Milson.
CJ to report on recent issues.
It has been agreed that 3 days’ notice will be given to Par ish
Council if Parking on Green is required.
Cost of removing debris from old road to create additional
parking be investigated, potentially added as one off cost to
7. Neighbour Watch Scheme
Joint Parishes are now members of Neighbourwatch schem e
DJ and CJ to confirm l ocations of signs
3 x Metal signs
Neen Sollars, 2 x Plastic Milson
Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
Potential theft at Neens hill top Farm.Potential theft at Neens hill top Farm.
8. Broadband update.Broadband update.
Letter and eLetter and e–mail sentmail sent to to Phillip Dunne Phillip Dunne MPMP, had holding letter but no , had holding letter but no response on points raised.response on points raised.
CommuCommunication from Ben Walkernication from Ben Walker service is still scheduled for end service is still scheduled for end of Decemberof December..
9. Lengthsman progress report:Lengthsman progress report:
No work sheets submittedNo work sheets submitted againagain.. TP to set up system with Richard TP to set up system with Richard Tong for ongoing time sheets.Tong for ongoing time sheets.
TP has spentTP has spent time with Richard Tong to identify drains and time with Richard Tong to identify drains and blockagesblockages and introduced to Phil Jamesand introduced to Phil James..
Drain blockage from Milson Green towards Neen Sollars reported.Drain blockage from Milson Green towards Neen Sollars reported.
Small Culvert outside Stone Barn reported.Small Culvert outside Stone Barn reported.
10. Electoral ChargesElectoral Charges AmendmentsAmendments
11. Dogs fouling footpaths.Dogs fouling footpaths.
DJ raised the issueDJ raised the issue ofof increasing fouliincreasing fouling by dogng by dogs on footpathss on footpaths. DJ . DJ to to confirmconfirm temporary signs temporary signs have been erected have been erected ahead of permanent ahead of permanent signs. signs.
DJ and AH to visit Birch Hill Dog Rescue and raise concerns, to DJ and AH to visit Birch Hill Dog Rescue and raise concerns, to report back report back 07/11/201607/11/2016.. Carried to next meeting.Carried to next meeting.
TP to investigate how to obtain another dog waste bTP to investigate how to obtain another dog waste bin for area.in for area.
SSC are investigating see response.are investigating see response. DJ requested site visit with DJ requested site visit with Kate Adams SSCKate Adams SSC to add Tetstill and Village Hallto add Tetstill and Village Hall..
DJ to identify type and where signs and new bin to be positioned DJ to identify type and where signs and new bin to be positioned and report back to Council and report back to Council 07/11/201607/11/2016.. Carried to next meeting. Carried to next meeting.
DJ requested that consistent offenders Dog waste be DNADJ requested that consistent offenders Dog waste be DNA tested tested for identification and further action taken.for identification and further action taken.
12. Erecting of Garage Erecting of Garage to Hilltop Cottage?to Hilltop Cottage?
TP has
TP has EE–mailmaileded Graham FrenchGraham French planning requesting clarification planning requesting clarification onon permissible development.permissible development. No response eNo response even after follow up call.ven after follow up call.
13. Outstanding from last meeting.Outstanding from last meeting.
Community Benefit Deed.Community Benefit Deed.
Deed has been submitted to Zoe Walker 13/10/2016, followed up
Deed has been submitted to Zoe Walker 13/10/2016, followed up 04/11/2016 has not responded.04/11/2016 has not responded. Instructed Freeth’s if no reply before Instructed Freeth’s if no reply before 11/11/2016 PC will no longer require thei11/11/2016 PC will no longer require their assistance.r assistance.
CJ to update on Traffic management plan following conversation with Madge Shineton and Gwilliam Butler.
TP to report on Signage in village preventing heavy vehicles over Signage in village preventing heavy vehicles over bridges.bridges. Contacted Highways to respond to potential disregard to Contacted Highways to respond to potential disregard to TranspTransport Plan re A456 access only. Case ref 1175342ort Plan re A456 access only. Case ref 1175342
Highways have yet to respond.
Riparian rRiparian responsibility Shakenhurst ~ noesponsibility Shakenhurst ~ no movementmovement
Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
14. Planning.Planning.
No New ApplicationNo New Applicationss from last meeting.from last meeting.
15. LTN Legal Briefings Updates LTN Legal Briefings Updates
16. LJC meeting LJC meeting UpdateUpdate
Minutes attached.
Minutes attached.
17. Public Open Places Public Open Places
Communication from Mark Blount ~ on from Mark Blount ~ review of POS in Shropshire.review of POS in Shropshire. TP to TP to monitor and report when published.monitor and report when published.
18. Place PlanPlace Plan
Completed in 2015 ~16:in 2015 ~16:
DefibrillatorsDefibrillators to both Parishesto both Parishes
Provide Car Parking, Seating and Budget to Mow GrassProvide Car Parking, Seating and Budget to Mow Grass to Milson to Milson Village GreenVillage Green..
Nominees tNominees to review and update objectives for 201o review and update objectives for 2017 ~ 187 ~ 18
TP, MWHMWH and DJ.and DJ.
19. Public Participation.Public Participation.
Carola Morrison and Peter Hulland wish to make a representation ref
Carola Morrison and Peter Hulland wish to make a representation ref Milson Village Green Parking.Milson Village Green Parking.
Both representations requested parki
Both representations requested parking continue on Village Green, see ng continue on Village Green, see agenda point 6 which has been agreed by all partiesagenda point 6 which has been agreed by all parties with the addition with the addition of concerns over access for Ambulance and Fire services if parking is of concerns over access for Ambulance and Fire services if parking is not allowed on Green from Mr Hullandnot allowed on Green from Mr Hulland..
20. Public Correspondence.Public Correspondence.
E–mail from Judith Smail from Judith Smith ref Milson Village Green Parking.mith ref Milson Village Green Parking.
See Agenda point 6.
See Agenda point 6.
21. Date of Next Meeting. Date of Next Meeting.
Table of meetings to comply with Standing Orders. of meetings to comply with Standing Orders. Annual and Annual and Ordinary Ordinary Meetings will be held on the following datesMeetings will be held on the following dates..
Ordinary 06/02/2016Ordinary 06/02/2016 19.00 Hrs19.00 Hrs
22. Meeting Closed.Meeting Closed. 19.58 19.58 HrsHrs
23. Communications from SSC:Communications from SSC:
NALCs News lettersNALCs News letters
Police Commissioners visit to Cleobury from Madge Shineton 07/011/2016Police Commissioners visit to Cleobury from Madge Shineton 07/011/2016
ALC ~ Recruiting for Foster carers and loggings in ShropshireALC ~ Recruiting for Foster carers and loggings in Shropshire
ALC ~ Online planning register not available 21/11/2016 upgrading dALC ~ Online planning register not available 21/11/2016 upgrading document ocument management system.management system.
Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council
Milson and Neen Sollars
Neighbourhood watch Survey Neighbourhood watch Survey
ALC ~ Community assets guide for local authorities.ALC ~ Community assets guide for local authorities.
SALC ~ SALC ~ SSC Local Plan review SSC Local Plan review — Sustainability Appraisal ScopingSustainability Appraisal Scoping
SALC ~ Annual report and Audit following AGMSALC ~ Annual report and Audit following AGM
PCC update West Mercia PolicePCC update West Mercia Police