Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 06/02/2017 Time: 19.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman) 01584 890486 chris@milsonairstrip.co.uk
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981 susan@susanpainter.orangehome.co.uk
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225 horsley40@btinternet.com
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258 zell@mazellawh.plus.com
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204 david.jones6451@gmail.com
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535 tony@slottools.com
- Apologies: Cllr David Jones (Holiday)
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest:
- Minutes of Precept meeting 09/01/2017.
Signed as true record.
- Accounts
- Current account balance £6024.61
- Election account £451.15
- Outstanding payments for signature.
Traffic Signage Solar Farm x 2 invoices: £96.38
Chairmanship Skills 1 x invoice £22.00
- Parish Assets
Neen Sollars ~ £2,623.90
Milson ~ £1,020.00
- Precept submitted for 2017/18
- As agreed in the precept meeting 09/01/2017 the charge for 2017/18 will be £7166 representing 0% increase on 2016/17.
- TP to submit VAT claim for 2016/17
- TP to investigate if grant is available for Lengthsman 2017/18
- Community Benefit Deed.
- Update from Sub Group by DJ on developments to be submitted at next meeting.
- Presentation Madge Shineton
- Shropshire and Worcestershire Acute reorganisation of Health provision. Unable to attend requested to attend next meeting.
- 4th May Parish Council Elections.
- Chairman and Clerk attending skills training – 17th February 2017,
10.30 – 12.30pm at Shire hall, Shrewsbury.
Cost of training £22 per person.
- Neighbour Watch Scheme
- Updates being issued via web page when available
- CJ and DJ to confirmed NHW signs in place
- DJ issued “Stop that thief” initiative from WM Police.
- Garage thefts in surrounding area increasing, to put on web page.
- Broadband update.
- Completion of Fibre Broadband 05/01/2017.
- Ben Walker invited to explain Fibre Broadband connection types and steps required to implement. Ben Issued 50 x letters confirming FTTP users which will be distributed by Councillors. Houses not on the list will not have any improved service and fall within the next stage of development with procurement expected to be concluded in April 2017. Ben will keep the PC updated as it develops.
- Lengthsman progress report.
Outstanding time sheets November/December/January 2017
TP to issue letter to Richard Tong stating DD will stop if work sheets not submitted.
- Public Open Places.
Map now available on shropshire.gov.uk/maps/Sites/embPPG17
- Electoral Changes.
- Amendments to register shown to Councillors.
- Councillors are reminded the full register of Parishioners is available from the Clerk.
- Dogs fouling footpaths.
- DJ raised the issue of increasing fouling by dogs on footpaths. DJ will erect temporary signs ahead of permanent signs.
- DJ and AH to visit Birch Hill Dog Rescue and raise concerns, to report back at next meeting.
- TP to investigate how to obtain another dog waste bin for area.
- DJ to identify type and where signs and new bin to be positioned and report back to Council next meeting.
- Request for additional bins REF 1177716
- DJ requested that consistent offenders Dog Waste be DNA tested for identification and further action taken.
Points raised held until next meeting.
- Outstanding from last meeting.
- Riparian responsibility Shakenhurst ~ no movement
- No: 16/00425/FUL The Old Tavern House Neen Sollars Kidderminster Shropshire DY14 0AN: Erection of single storey extension, alterations to change flat roof to pitched together with internal and external alterations –
Status: Granted
- LTN Legal Briefings Updates
- None
- LJC meeting 25/03/2015
- CJ to report on planning issues from last meeting.
- Update on “Consultation on Sharing Costs” and survey conducted.
- A decision on what involvement/participation the Parish Council will take. Re: Section 137.
- Place Plan
- TP, MWH and DJ to set date to review and update objectives for 2017 ~ 18
- Public Participation.
No Requests
- Public Correspondence.
None submitted
- Date of Next Meeting.
- Agree Table of Annual and Ordinary meetings to comply with Standing Orders.
Dates to be set following TP CJ skills training 17th February 2017.
- Meeting Closed.
19.40 Hrs
- Communications from SSC:
- BDLs
- NALCs News letters
- SALC Bulletins
- Transparency code drop in 24th Feb 2017 Shire Hall
- Partial preview Shropshire Local Plan
- Recruit and Manage Volunteers 21st Feb 2017 Shire Hall
- Yearend Audit training 17th Feb 2017 Shire Hall
- John Champion ~ PCC Newsletters
Signed as true record. …………………………………….
Date: …………………….