Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 18/09/2017 Time: 19.06 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman) 01584 890486 chris@milsonairstrip.co.uk
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981 susan@susanpainter.orangehome.co.uk
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225 horsley40@btinternet.com
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258 zell@mazellawh.plus.com
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204 david.jones6451@gmail.com
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535 tony@slottools.com
- Apologies: Mr D. Jones Holiday.
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None
- Minutes of Ordinary meeting 10/07/2017.
Read and signed as true record.
- Accounts
- Current account balance £11,814.51
- Community Benefit £3,748.00
- Election account £ 451.31
- Outstanding payments for signature.
Due to exceeding funds of £10,000 threshold Mazars impose an Audit fee of £120.
SSC cost for printing of Household labels for Dog mess letters £25.00.
- Parish Assets
Neen Sollars ~ £2,623.90
Milson ~ £1,020.00
- TP to submit VAT claim for 2016/17
- Signatures required for change of Business and secondary Account Mandate CJ and AH.
- Community Benefit Deed.
- A separate account has been set up by TP and the CB funds deposited.
- Requests for funding to be advertised on web page and notice boards annually at time of grant. Written applications only to the Clerk. Nominations will be reviewed and voted on by PC and allocated to successful applicant(s).
7.5 Tonne Bridge restriction.
- Glyn Shaw has confirmed the weight restriction has been publicised with no objections. Waiting for signs to be erected.
30 mph Speed limit.
- Glyn Shaw is in consultation with Malvern Hills Council to review implementation of speed limit through Both Parishes. See agenda point 18.
- See E-mail from Madge Shineton.
Written communication from Mazella Witts-Hewinson
- Concerns about the state of the Milson road.
- There has been an increase in large tractor activity going to and fro to the Hollywaste Bio-digester.
See agenda point 18.
- Lengthsman progress report.
Dead line for advertising was 16/09/2017. One applicant outside of the Parish. Ad placed in Clarion for October publication, new dead line 23/10/2017.
- Defibrillators
- Training session with WMAS booked for 30/09/2017 12.00 Hrs. Advertised on posters and Web page.
- Webb Page upgrade.
- A proposal to upgrade the village Webb page has been submitted by Upper bridge (current administrator) see attached.
AH proposed and SP seconded, it was agreed unanimously to upgrade the Web page, the cost will be £250. TP to gather information and present to Council at next meeting.
- Electoral Changes.
- None
- Dogs fouling footpaths.
- DJ has circulated a letter to all Parishioners outlining the current legislation on Dog mess and that the Council will actively pursue legal action.
- DJ has put up new signage in the Neen Sollars area, but require more robust signage. DJ proposes hard backed, screen-printed signs at a cost of £200.00. Motion to purchase signage.
- CJ to review additional signage in Milson and report back to next meeting.
The Council agreed to review again at the next meeting when further information had been collated.
- Outstanding from last meeting.
- Riparian responsibility Shakenhurst
Mr Alphonso of Old School House has reported he is acting as unofficial warden of the River Rea for Shakenhurst and has overseen work in clearing and removing debris from the river.
- Neighbour Watch Scheme
- Updates being issued via web page when available
Address: Proposed Affordable Dwelling NW Of Rose Cottage, Neen Sollars.
Proposal: Erection of an affordable dwelling and associated works
Applicant: Ms G Upperdine & Mr Jamie Higgins (Rose Cottage, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 9AB)
The Council are in favour of this proposal.
- LTN Legal Briefings Updates
- None
- Crime Reduction Group meeting (CM)/LJC
- CJ to report on issues from last meeting.
- Next meeting 02/10/2017
- Place Plan
- TP, MWH and DJ to set date to review and update objectives for 2017 ~ 18
- Public Participation.
No Requests
- Public Correspondence ~ Racing events.
- Letter sent to Clerk of Cleobury Parish Council, Matthew Sheehan responded via phone stating they did not record the number of events held per annum, but will start to record. The CM Council will monitor the vehicle activity. Events: JC Raceway, Hazeley Grange
- Hollywaste Bio-digester, CM Council view was the sit has planning permission and little they could do about vehicle size and volume. If any vehicles infringe road safety place/date/time/registration to be forwarded to police.
- Communication from Parishioner on erecting symbolic gates to the boundary roads to both Parishes to reinforce 30 mph zone.
To be moved forward to next meeting, TP to provide costing and examples.
- Date of Next Meeting: 27/11/2017
- Meeting Closed. 19.45
- Communications from SSC:
- BDLs
- NALCs News letters
- SALC Bulletins
- John Champion ~ PCC Newsletters
- Data Protection ~ New Laws Training 06/11/2017
- Temporary Road closure Milson
- Shropshire’s Bid for UK Recovery Walk 2018
- Grenfell Tower fire safety inspections/audits.
Signed as true record
Date …………………………………………