Held at: Hilltop Farm, Neen Sollars.
Date: 14/04/2017 Time: 12.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman) 01584 890486 chris@milsonairstrip.co.uk
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204 david.jones6451@gmail.com
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535 tony@slottools.com
Graham Clayworth
- Apologies: David Jones Holiday
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest:
- Minutes of Last meeting. Signed at Parish Council Meeting
- Community Deed Update:
- CJ to outline the current position on the Community deed following conversations with current owners Metka Eng.
- Consideration to accept or refuse current offer:
- Current proposal reflects initial offer from TGC.
- Megawatt capacity agreed at 3.748 giving a return to Parish Council of £3748.00 pa for 10 years.
- Motion to accept Community Deed and seconded.
- Bribery Act 2010:
- Part of Due Diligence requires the Bribery Act of 2010 be signed and returned to Metka Eng for their records.
- Communication of acceptance of Community Deed
- Copy of Community Benefit to be posted on village notice boards and Web Page to ensure open and unrestricted access to Parish Council decisions.
- Meeting Closed.
Note: Termination of this Sub Committee will be put on the Agenda of the next Parish Council meeting 15/005/2017