Milson and Neen Sollars Parish Council
Members are summoned to attend.
Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 06/07/2015 Time: 19.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Vice Chairman) 01584 890486
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535
- Apologies: Anne Horsley no communication.
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest.
- Co-opting Vacancy
- There has been one written application received by Clerk 21/05/2015. The Clerk confirms the application fulfils the criteria required to be Co-opted.
Mr D.H.Jones has been put forward for co-option proposed SP seconded MWH. Vote was unanimously carried.
- Minutes of the Annual Meeting 11th May 2015
- To be read out and signed as true record
- Outstanding from last meeting.
- Motion to adopt policy on press coverage at Parish meetings.
Proposed MWH seconded CJ Vote was unanimously carried.
- Broad band update. No further update to-date.
- Communication to Riparian Landowners letter and booklet put on hold. No clearance of River has taken place. Decision to send booklet and letter required. Reaside and Tetstill have received booklets.
The decision to send letter and booklet has been confirmed. Chairman instructed the Clerk to issue before the next meeting.
- Erosion to perimeter of Village Green meeting with Highways 31/03/2015 CJ, MWH, TP.
CJ and MWH confirmed general opinion is most are satisfied and no more work needs to be done with the exception of shrub planting at the appropriate time of year.
- Planning changes task group. Unable to print off on-line survey.
- Development of Village Hall, communication to Chair of Village Hall Mr G. Clayworth. Communication sent 10/05/2015 No response.
- Road Closure Neen Sollars to A456 Mamble August 2015
- Conditions for road closure have been agreed (see e-mail and Web page)
- Council’s direction on Electoral register.
- Motion whether to report creations/deletions to the Electoral register at Parish meetings.
It was agreed amendments to Electoral register will be reported at Council Meeting by Clerk, Proposed MWH seconded SC.
Vote was unanimously carried.
- Haughton House Barn conversion
Permission Granted.
- Reaside Farm Garden house
Permission Granted.
- The Nash Farm, Milson
New Proposal: Erection of agricultural building for storage of fodder and machinery
Permission Granted.
- 15/02138/CPL Marlbrook Farm ,Neen Sollars,
Proposal: Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed erection of a side extension (for information only)
A person will apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness to ascertain if a development falls with-in permissible build or require planning permission.
- Annual Return 2014/15
- Agreed and signed off by Chairman and Clerk and presented to Penn and Co for internal Audit.
- LTN Legal Briefings Updates
- L03-15 22/05/2015 ~ Prayers at meetings.
It was decided no prayers will be conducted at Parish meetings proposed CJ seconded SP. Vote was unanimously carried.
- Parish Council Funds update.
- Current account balance £2882.36
- Election account £450.77.
- VAT 126 claims for 2013/15 £224.57 and £230.17 sign off.
No claim for Year 2013/14 (too small)
- Letter of thanks and gift to ex-Chair 2003 ~ 2015 sign off.
Motion to purchase leaving gift for ex-Chair to value TBC.
A gift of up to £100 to be arranged by the Clerk. Proposed CJ seconded SP. Vote was unanimously carried.
- Payment to ex-Clerk of £300 paid 20/05/2015.
- Protecting Parish assets in Hydro scheme. CJ to update.
Carry forward to next meeting.
- SSC Affiliation fee of £149.40 paid.
- NALC Contract of employment Parish Clerk to be signed off by Chairperson and seconded by SP. Vote was unanimously carried.
- Saving on Annual Insurance premium £86.64.
Zurich Insurance £263.11 now p aid has replaced Aon £349.75.
- Defibrillation Kiosks Milson and Neen Sollars update
- Electrics to Kiosks outstanding.
- Invoices paid through Parish Council with VAT (signage etc.)
Confirmed all receipts to be presented to Council prior to payment.
- Public Participation.
- None
- Public Correspondence.
- None
- Date of Next Meeting.
08/09/2015 at 19.00Hrs
- Communications from SSC:
- PCC newsletter, updates on new events and various surveys.
- Courses for Mayor’s, Deputy Mayors.
- Training day for local Councillors 26 June 9.15 to 3pm
- Appraisals, Discipline and Grievance (HR Training)
- Table Of Code Of Policy Positions (This is a lengthy document but interesting)
- NALC newsletter
- LJC ~ Planning meeting – Wednesday 1st July, 7pm at Cleobury
- Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan Schedule of Main Modifications Monday 13 July 2015.
- Alterations to the electoral register
- SSC Bulletins
Signed as True Record ……………………………………………..