
Ordinary Meeting 16 11 2015

Minutes Uploaded on February 10, 2022

Milson and Neen Sollars Parish Council

Members are summoned to attend.



Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL


Date: 16/11/2015                                            Time: 19.00 Hrs



   Cllr Chris Jones (Vice Chairman)    01584 890486

Cllr Steve Painter                             01299 832981

Cllr Anne Horsley                            01299 271225

Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson           01299 271258

Cllr David Jones                              01299 271204

Tony Price (Clerk to Parish)                        01299 271535


  1. Apologies:

Mazella Witts-Hewinson has e-mailed apologies.


  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest.

Cllr D. Jones to leave meeting on Agenda item Planning 9.2, returning for the rest of the Agenda.


  1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 08/09/2015

To be read out and signed as true record.


  1. Outstanding from last meeting.
    • Development of Village Hall, Audio and Visual Equipment purchased. Investigations into Balcony and Car Park.
    • Riparian booklets.

Booklets delivered to all land owners on the River Rea. Shakenhurst state they have plans to forest the area from The Rail Bridge to Road Bridge, however it will be in the next few years.

  1. Councillors unanimously agreed this is an urgent matter and needs to be escalated to E.A and Highways. Clerk to contact both departments requesting a formal letter from each department be sent to Shakenhurst Estate requesting immediate action on implementing the guidelines issues from the E.A.
  • Mud on road Neens Hill Farm to A456.

Worcestershire CC have be requested


  1. Proposed Road Closure

Old Forge Cottages, Neens Hill. Proposed start date: 18.01.2016 for five days although it is hoped to complete the works in three weeks.


  1. Cleobury Mortimer History Society.

Census records for all the years 1841 to 1911.

  1. Resolution passed to purchase two set of the Books to be kept at Milson and Neen Sollars Church’s respectfully and a soft copy on Web Page. Proposed CJ Seconded DJ.   


  1. Electoral register update:

Publication of new electoral register 2016 Password available on request.


  1. Resolution to archive Parish Records dating 25/04/1967 ~ 2009.

Minutes/issues of the day/accounts/planning records.

  1. Proposed by CJ and Seconded DJ.


  1. Woman’s Institute accounts and correspondence 1919 ~ unknown

The Parish Council are the custodians of a large amount of paperwork that has some historical interest. Open discussion to decide what action to take i.e. give to Local WI group, Museum, etc.

  1. Proposed that John Barns of the Cleobury Mortimer Historical Society maybe interested in taking the records. Clerk to ask John when ordering the books.


  • Reference:  15/04683/FUL
    Address:  The Granary, Neen Sollars House, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AH
    Proposal:  Erection of a two storey extension and creation of a kitchen in  former garage
    New Application.

No Objection from Parish Council.

  • Reference:  15/03921/FUL
    Address:  Neen Court, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AH. Proposal:  Erection of a garden room with balcony above.

Note: Re-consultation due to amendment on application

Pending Decision.

  • Reference:  15/03881/TCA
    Address:  Dormers, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AH. Proposal:  Works to remove tops of 1 no. Cypress tree and 1 no. Silver Birch by 25% within Neen Sollars Conservation Area
  • Appeal against refusal to grant planning permission Highpoint Farm Neen Sollars 06/07/2015. Inspectorate visit 12/11/2015 11.30 Hrs.

Appeal in Progress.

  • Application 15/00221/FUL Garden Cottage, Pear Tree Cottage,

Neen Sollars 09/02/2015 Proposal:  Change of use of existing ancillary accommodation to form a separate independent residential dwelling.  Waiting decision.


  1. Annual Return 2014/15
    • Signed off by Mazar’s and public notification published 30/09/2015.


  1. LTN Legal Briefings Updates.







  1. Parish Council Funds update.
    • Current account balance £1,514.48.
    • Election account £450.87.
    • VAT 126 claims for £454.74 request made by Inland Revenue for proof of banking details, returned 26/10/2015.
    • Following invoices were signed by two Councillors:

Memorial Wreath’s Milson and Neen Sollars £36.00

Mazar’s Annual Audit £30.00


  1. Defibrillation Kiosks Milson and Neen Sollars update
    • Electrics to Kiosk in Neen Sollars completed, Milson was found to be disconnected Western Power to reconnect 20/11/2015.
    • 8 additional Numbers Plus recruited from training day 25/10/2015.


  1. Memorial Sunday 2015

Thanks to Cllr Anne Horsley and Cllr Chris Jones for presenting the Remembrance Sunday wreathes on behalf of the Parish Council.


  1. Public Participation.

None Requested.


  1. Public Correspondence.
  • Mr G. Wilkinson has requested the brass plate provisioned for when John Bettinson purchased one of the Bench’s at Jubilee Garden be implemented. Now to commemorate John and Angie Bettinson.
    1. Clerk to purchase a brass plate, wording to be signed off by Council members. Proposed AH Seconded DJ
  • Letter of thanks for leaving gift, from ex Chair Mr Graham Wilkinson.


  1. Date of Next Meeting.

            08/02/2016 at 19.00Hrs


  1. Meeting Closed: 19:46


  1. Communications from SSC:
    1. Free Parking Ludlow for Tinsel and Christmas Gift Market
    2. Community Speed Watch ~ trained volunteers to monitor vehicle speeds letters sent where inappropriate speeds identified.
    3. Funding Road show Telford 17/11/2015
    4. Shropshire rural Hub news letter
    5. Schedule of planning committee and Agenda
    6. Shropshire Highways Asset management consultation
    7. On Street Parking Bridgnorth (e-mailed to Councillors)
    8. Cleobury Country Trade Card information has been updated.
    9. Insurance premium tax has increased from 6% to 9.5%
    10. 2015 SLCC National Conference at the Hinckley Island Hotel from 15th to 17th October.
    11. Energize Conference “Women Make Sport”
    12. Shropshire Housing Alliance General Meeting.







Signed as True Record: ……………………………………….


Dated: …………………………