Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 16/04/2018 Start 17.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman) 01584 890486 chris@milsonairstrip.co.uk
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981 susan@susanpainter.orangehome.co.uk
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225 horsley40@btinternet.com
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258 zell@mazellawh.plus.com
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204 david.jones6451@gmail.com
Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535 tony@slottools.com
- Apologies: None
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None
- Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 12/02/2018
- Read out and signed as true record. Proposed DJ seconded MWH agreed unanimously.
- Accounts – A copy was made available for inspection
- Current account balance £7881.00
- Community Benefit £2067.40
- Election account £ 451.45
- Precept payment 2018/19 £7483.00 outstanding
- Invoices for signature.
Physio Control x 2 £210.46
- Community Benefit:
- Proposals for April
- Parish Council Laptop £250.00 for GDPR
- Physio Control £105.23 replacement Pads and Charge stick.
- Rod Walker £1800.00 Clear Milson Green debris to car park.
- Zurich Insurance £280.87 (£1.25 increase against last year)
- Flyers for every household (TBC) in Milson and Neen Sollars to promote new Web Page and increase registrations (circa £120.00).
All proposals were made and seconded and agreed unanimously, see resolutions log.
- Parish Assets:
Neen Sollars ~ £2,623.90
Milson ~ £1,020.00
4.1 Certificate of Exemption
- Annual Governance and Accountability Certificate of Exemption presented for inspection and signature.
Signed by Chair and Clerk to be e-mailed to PFK Littlejohn auditors.
Accounts to be published to internal auditor, notice boards and web page.
- Community Benefit Deed.
No requests.
- General Data Protection Regulations 2018
- By 25/05/2018 All Parish Councils have to have a Data Protection Officer.
- A training session for All Parish Councillors and Contractors on implementing process, policy, managing and reporting, to be held after this Ordinary Meeting 16/04/2018.
All Councillors attended plus Lengthsman.
- Highways – 30mph Speed limit through both Parishes.
- Glyn Shaw (now retired) is still in consultation with Malvern Hills Council to review implementation of speed limit through Both Parishes and has given the Parish Council, Malvern Hills contact details, to expedite.
TP to look at moving 30 mph sign to Parish boundary at Neen’s Hill.
- Defibrillators
- One callout where CFR attended.
DJ requested a refresher and debrief for all CFR’s.
TBA for Autumn 2018.
- Environment and Maintenance Grant
- Update on review of EMG from SSC (see timetable)
- Lengthsman progress report.
A copy of his worksheet was made available to Council.
- The Lengthsman worked 56 Hrs in March.
- Has taken one weeks Holiday leave 01~ 08/04/2018
Clerk, Lengthsman and Highways to review all blocked drains and report back to Council.
- Parking Milson Village Green.
- Cllr Witts-Hewinson was appointed to draw up a plan based on our previous discussions with the highways dept and with the clerk to subsequently liase between the Parish Council and the PCC.
- CJ and MWH attended Annual PCC meeting to express concerns over current parking arrangements.
Council decided to proceed with clearing the debris from the old Neen Sollars road. Proposed DJ seconded SP agreed unanimously.
- Replace fallen Tree Milson Green.
- 2 x Oak trees have been planted 06/04/2018 donated by Neen Sollars Village Hall Committee.
To be removed from next agenda.
- Village Hall Rate review 2018
- Agenda point raised by Cllr D. Jones.
DJ requested agenda point be kept on Agenda until resolved.
- Web Page upgrade.
- New Web Page design has been decided.
- Platform being built ready for June 2018 rollout.
- June 2018 Door drop to Joint Parishes.
- Electoral Changes.
- None
- Dogs fouling footpaths.
- Cllr D Jones to update on current position.
Most of the temporary signs have now disintegrated, funds are available for 16 metal/plastic signs to be erected.
- Riparian responsibility Shakenhurst
- Cllr D Jones reported that he had recently investigated along the river bank, and although there we some recently fallen branches in the Rea, it was very much an improving situation. Shakenhurst are working hard to tidy things up and have acquired a very large wood chipping machine to assist in the process.
DJ to update next meeting.
- Neighbour Watch Scheme
- Updates being issued via web page when available.
- 17/04272/FUL
Address: Proposed Affordable Dwelling NW Of Rose Cottage, Neen Sollars.
Proposal: Erection of an affordable dwelling and associated works
Applicant: Rose Cottage, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 9AB)
- 17/04272/FUL
Awaiting Decision
- 18/00798/FUL
Proposal: Erection of agricultural storage building for hay and fodder an extension to existing building
Applicant: The Nash Farm Milson DY14 0AY
Awaiting Decision
- 18/01304/FUL
Address: Proposed Stable and Manège, Milson, Shropshire
Proposal: Change of use of land from Agricultural to Equestrian use to include the erection of a stable block and construction of a manège
Applicant: Millfield Cottage, Coreley, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 3AW)
Awaiting Decision
A Parishioner outlined their case for Objection. The Councillors debated the subject and decided to Object on the grounds the area has become too exposed due to work already carried out. The
proposal requires better mitigation to the manège and restrictive use. See Parish Council’s Objection on SCC planning portal.
- 18/01170/TCA
Proposal: Fell 1no Yew to a height of 1 – 1.5m and reduce crown of 1no Weeping Willow to 9m high with 5m spread within Neen Sollars Conservation Area
Applicant: The Old Tavern House, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, DY14 0AN
Awaiting Decision
- Address: High Point Solar Farm, Neen Sollars, Shropshire
Proposal: Variation of condition 11 (operational life) of planning permission (14/04463/FUL Construction of a solar park allowed on appeal APP/L3245/W/15/3019429) 17/05539/VAR
Applicant: Lightsource Renewable Energy Holdings Ltd., C/o Agent.
Granted Permission
Chair decided to move to Agenda point 23 and then return to point 20.
- LTN Legal Briefings Updates
- None
- Crime Reduction Group meeting (CM)/LJC
- Cllr C Jones to update meeting.
Next meeting 06/05/2018.
- Place Plan
- Published on Web Page
- Public Participation.
- A parishioner has requested to take the floor reference Self build Affordable House within Neen Sollars.
- Public Correspondence.
- As for Agenda point 23
- Date of Next Meeting:
Proposed dates for 2018/19
- 14th May ~ Annual Meeting (Changed)
- 23rd July ~ Ordinary Meeting
- 17th September ~ Ordinary Meeting
- 26th November ~ Ordinary Meeting
- 21st January ~ Ordinary Meeting
- 25th March ~ Ordinary Meeting
- General Data Protection Regulations 2018
- Councillors, Contractors and members of Public attendance record.
- Clerk’s Report to Council GDPR
- Adopt and Sign off the following Policies:
- Clerks report to Council copy given to all attendees.
- Personal Data Management Policy
- Privacy Policy/Privacy Notice/General Privacy Notice
- Consent forms:
- Lengthsman
- Defibrillators
- Web Page and Notice boards
- Contractors
- Subject Access Policy (SAR)
- SAR Request/part respond/unable to respond
- Copy of Adopted policies and NALC’s GDPR Tool kit 2018
e-mailed to all Councillors and Contractors for reference.
- All communications, images to/from Councillors to be sent to Clerk and responses e-mailed via Parish Council dedicated
e-mail address and only form the Parish Council Laptop. All Councillor e-mail addresses removed from Minutes and Web Page.
All Policies and relative documentation was proposed by CJ and seconded by DJ the vote was unanimously agreed.
- Meeting Closed. 21.10 Hrs
- Communications from SSC:
- BDLs
- NALCs News letters
- SALC Bulletins
- John Champion ~ PCC Newsletters
- London Marathon
- Data protection Public Advisory
- Chief Executives Bulletin
- SSC Training Courses
- Community update from Cleobury Mortimer
- Future Hospital Configuration/Future Fit program
- Westminster Briefing
- Precept update
- Affordable housing Newsletter
- Surveymonkey request for participation
- EMG consultation update.
Signed as True record ………………………………
Date …………………………