Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 20/012020 Start: 19.00 hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman) 01584 890486
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225
Clerk Tony Price 01299 271535
- Apologies: Cllr David Jones
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest:
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 02/12/2019
Signed as true record Proposed AH seconded SP, agreed unanimously.
- Accounts
- Current account balance £8001.18
- Community Benefit £4003.42
- Election account £751.81
- Invoices signed off:
Archers 30MPH signs £514.66
Post fix for poles £44.50
Numbers plus (defibrillators) £118.80
- EMG Grant 2019/20 of £1500 has been applied for still awaiting confirmation.
- Community Benefit Sign Off:
Replacement trees ref Solar Farm
Trees £96.00
Canes/Spirals £45.42
Note: Trees planted died due to adverse dry weather conditions of Summer 2019.
- Parish Assets:
Neen Sollars ~ £3794.00
Milson ~ £1,703.00
Note: £559 increase on Neen Sollars for 30MPH road furniture and fixings.
- Precept for 2020/21
- Precept return due 31st January 2020. List of all fixed costs are attached, estimated roll over is £6400.00.
The Precept for 2020/21 has been agreed at £7862.00 Proposed MWH seconded SC agreed unanimously.
- Cllr DJ has conducted some research into supporting a Precept increase to support a donation to Cleobury Mortimer St Mary’s project. See attached. Proposal refused based on increased Rate revenues achieved in Cleobury Mortimer due to volume of new housing development where revenues in Milson and Neen Sollars has remained static.
- Parishioner participation see Agenda point 20.
- Community Benefit Applications.
- None
- General Data Protection Regulations 2018
- No updates
- Highways – 30 mph signs.
- Signs were installed 15/01/2020.
- Defibrillators –
- No Activity – New Pads and Stick batteries required year end 2020, see Precept.
- Lengthsman progress
- Work sheets made available to Council on request.
- The footpath initiative has been extended to Tetstill to High point Farm v Yew tree Cottage. One gate outstanding to Tetstill lane.
- Pot Hole survey conducted and submitted to Graham Downs of Highways 12/01/220.
- Costs for installing
- Kissing Gates £240.00
- Single Gate £160.00
- Bridges (any length) £160.00
- Web Page.
- Still Issues with posting News and Events on web page.
Page has been down again (some of this time was upgrades that have not worked) New provider to be found this Year.
- Milson Green Christmas tree.
- Carried over from last meeting:
A motion from Councillor MWH to site similar tree on the Milson Green next year. Illumination, location and sponsorship TBC.
It was agreed if a proposal is put forward by a Parishioner and it has sufficient funding permission will be granted without having to be represented to Council. Proposed MWH Seconded CJ agreed unanimously.
- Electoral Changes.
- New register published, Councillors requiring a copy please inform Clerk.
- Dogs fouling footpaths.
- Cllr DJ reported a number of recent incidents last meeting.
Update required for next meeting.
- Riparian responsibility.
- Environment Agency removed a number of large trees trapped on Road Bridge in Neen Sollars.
- Neighbour Watch Scheme
- Updates being issued via web page when available.
- 19/04667/FUL
Address: Haughton Barn, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AH
Application to erection of detached dog kennel and garden shed; installation of satellite dish together with landscaping scheme
Councillors remarks have been posted on the Planning portal with a status of no Objection pending considerations.
Permission Granted
- LTN Legal Briefings Updates
- None
- Crime Reduction Group meeting (CM)
- Cllr C Jones to report.
- Place Plan
- Update on Shropshire Place Plan available on request.
- Public Participation
- Parishioner wishes to speak on proposed Precept increase to support Cleobury Mortimer St Mary’s project.
- Public Correspondence.
- Parishioners from The Three Pools were concerned with the Nickless woodland project and requested support from the Parish Council. Cllr CJ and Clerk visited the site 11/01/2020 to assess the position. A subsequent visit from Phil Argyle of the woodland project on the 16/01/2020 has resolved/allayed any issues. A communication has been sent to Argyle confirming the outcome of the meeting.
- Date of Next Meeting:
09th March 2020 ~ Ordinary Meeting
- Meeting Closed: 19.31
- Communications from SSC:
- BDLs – NALCs News letters
- SALC Bulletins – John Champion ~ PCC Newsletters
- Pot holes (Madge Shineton)
- Mud/road damage/infrastructure damage Corely road.
- Climate Change Workshop
- Getting involved Community Solar
- Training programs
- Update on Election register
- Election results
Signed …………………………………………….
Date …………………………………………………