
Precept annual governance ordinary Minutes 25 01 2021

Minutes Uploaded on February 10, 2022


Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 25/01/2021 Start: 19.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman) 01584 890486
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225
Clerk Tony Price 01299 271535

NOTE: The process will be as follows:
15/01/2021 – Post Public notices.
21/01/2021 – Issue last meeting minutes, with Agenda and any supporting documentation.
25/01/2021 – Councillors to email any comments/ issues
29/01/2021 – Meeting closed for comments any new Agenda items will be dealt with outside the meeting and feed into the next meeting.

1. Apologies: Cllr A. Horsley

2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None

3. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 19/10/2020
Signed as true record (signatures at next meeting)

4. Accounts
• Current account balance £11,264.47
• Community Benefit £5,101.42
• Election account £752.13

• Invoices signed off
Physio Control (Defib Pads Battery) £143.97

• Community Benefit

• Parish Assets
Neen Sollars ~ £4,769.35
Milson ~ £2,388.35

• Precept
The Precept proposal for 2021/22 has been attached. Please review the proposal and comment, if in agreement please confirm via email.

• Environment Maintenance Grant (EMG)
Confirmation application for grant received by SSC and will be three consecutive years.

• Parish Council Elections
The Elections will be held on 6 May 2021 there is quite a lot of work prior to this, The Clerk will appraise as we go through the process. The 2014 (the process has not changed) guidance to Elections has been attached for your information.

• Annual Governance and Accountability review
A review of Governance will be made in line with the attached Standing orders. DJ to identify the areas to review.

• 2021 Census 21/03/2021
The attached is for information only. There is also a communication asking for individuals to participate in the Census as helpers, if you know of anybody please refer to Clerk.

5. Community Benefit Applications.
• None

6. General Data Protection Regulations 2018
• No updates

7. Defibrillators –
• No Activity – Communication to all responder’s service is suspended until further notice.
Battery and Pads replaced in both Kiosk’s November 2020 next change date November 2022.

8. Lengthsman progress report.
• Work sheets made available to Council on request.
Request for blocked drains information issues to Madge Shineton.
The drain and culvert have been visited by Highways and Severn Trent awaiting response. The drains/culverts have been emptied in early December, but there are still many blocked.

9. Web Page.
• Still Issues with posting News and Events on web page.
There has been one outage this month.

10. Electoral Changes.
• A copy of the current Electoral role is available to all Councillors on request to the clerk prior to Election 06/05/2021.

11. Dogs fouling footpaths.
Matt Sheehan has confirmed Cleobury PC purchase their own signage. New signs will be ordered as requested.

12. Neighbour Watch Scheme
• Updates being issued via web page when available.

13. Planning.
• Reference: 20/03725/FUL (validated: 02/10/2020)
Address: Pear Tree Cottage, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AN
Proposal: Change of use of garage to form self-contained habitable area ancillary to main dwelling
• Reference: 20/03834/FUL (validated: 06/10/2020)
Address: The Nash Farm, Milson, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AY
Proposal: Erection of steel portal frame building for agricultural storage of fodder and machinery
Applicant: Mr Paul Hulland (The Nash Farm, Milson, Nr Kidderminster, Milson, DY14 0AY)
• CJ to appraise Council on Corn Brook Environmental Action Group incorporation track.
CJ updated the Council on current position,
It was unanimously agreed to wait until an application had been submitted and review. It was also agreed not to join in the action group or fund any activity until further notice. Motion raised DJ seconded MWH. No application been submitted as of 20/01/2021.
Not Submitted
• Reference: 21/00177/FUL (validated: 14/01/2021)
Address: Land At, Milson, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0BB
Proposal: Erection of a steel portal frame open sided agricultural building
Applicant: Mr A Price (Lower Neen Farm, Neen Savage, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY14 8JU)

14. LTN Legal Briefings Updates None

15. Crime Reduction Group meeting (CM)
• Cllr C Jones to email report to Councillors if meeting held or any communication.
No meeting held.

16. Place Plan
• Update on Shropshire Place Plan available on request.

17. Public Participation
• Suspended until further notice

18. Public Correspondence.
A Parishioner representing the PCC in Neen Sollars has communicated the following (for information only) The PCC will be applying for permission to remove a thorn bush from the HaHa wall and to raise the crown of the Copper Beach by removing the lowest half dozen limbs.

19. Meeting Dates 2020/21:
15th March 2021 ~ Ordinary Meeting

20. Meeting Closed: 19.30 Hrs

21. Communications from SSC:

• BDLs – NALCs News letters
• SALC Bulletins – John Champion ~ PCC Newsletters
• Pot holes (Madge Shineton)
• Flue Jab invitations
• SSC news in Brief
• Clerks net working
• Clerks Knowledge training
• Planning White paper
• Madge Shineton Oct PC report
• Community reassurance update
• Many Covid 19 related correspondence
• Census updates and correspondence