
Ordinary Minutes 23 08 2021

Minutes Uploaded on February 10, 2022



Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL  

Date: 23/08/2021        Start: 19.00 Hrs


   Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman)                       01584 890486

Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman)              01299 271204

Cllr Steve Painter                                        01299 832981

Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson                      01299 271258

Cllr Anne Horsley                                        01299 271225

Clerk Tony Price                                          01299 271535


NOTE: Proceeding will be conducted observing Covid 19 distance and hygiene guidance.


  1. Apologies: Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson


  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None


  1. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 25/05/2021

Signed as true record. Motion MWH seconded DHJ, agreed Unanimously


  1. Accounts
    • Current account balance £16,155.65
    • Community Benefit  £4376.42
    • Election account £752.20


  • Invoices signed off

Parish Notice Board Company £2124.00

Note: includes Village Hall notice board split between the parishes, installation cost to follow.


  • Community Benefit

Application for Community Choir staging see point 11.


  • Parish Assets

Neen Sollars ~ £4,769.35

Milson           ~ £2,388.35

Note: New Village signs to be added when installed.


  • Receipts to Council.



  • Environment Maintenance Grant (EMG)

Application for grant of £1500 for 2021/22 agreed and application for next three years (2022~202024) submitted.


  1. Annual Internal Audit and Certificate of Exemption

AGAR Part 2. Submitted and accepted by Auditors.




  1. Open Reach/DCMS Voucher Initiative

Update on Voucher Scheme – The scheme has been fully supported with an oversubscription. Installation starts March 2022.


  1. Salt boxes alongside roads/hills

Agenda item raised by Cllr DHJ. Proposed Builders bag of road salt funded through Community benefit be placed in strategic positions pre winter. Decision to purchase 25Kg bags and place in hi-risk areas of the village prior to Winter, replacement bags provided on request.


  1. Fly tipping

Agenda item raised by Cllr DHJ. Increased fly tipping in area Gaudy wood has seen dumping of windows and door frames. DHJ requests any fly tipping be reported to him to access level of activity.


  1. Clay pigeon shooting on the hillside above Neen Sollars

Agenda item raised by Cllr DHJ. The level of Clay shooting has increased over the past months, DHJ to request Shakenhurst to direct the shooting away from Peter’s Clump to reduce volume over village.


  1. Pot holes in roads

Agenda item raised by Cllr DHJ. Simon Harris to attend next meeting to discuss road conditions no response as yet.


  1. Community Benefit Applications.

Application for £3000 for Choir staging, see attached.

Representation from the Choir in support of application.

AH/CJ/SP are members of Choir. Parish Council agreed to fund the Choir the full amount requested on the basis the staging remains the property of the Village Hall if the Choir disbands. Motion CJ Seconded AWH agreed Unanimously.


  1. General Data Protection Regulations 2018

No updates


  1. Defibrillators –
    • No Activity – Communication to all responder’s, service is suspended until further notice. Update on status required.


  1. Lengthsman progress
    • Work sheets made available to Council on request.
    • Lengthsman reported broken drain cover Milson junction, Highways been informed.
    • A review of the Lengthsman activity/workload/practise required, Councillor’s participation required. Discission to review workload and hours by MWH, DHJ, TP. Review completed, results are no changes to be made to the contract, to be reviewed again next year.



  1. Web Page.

A new site partner to be found.


  1. Dogs fouling footpaths.

Quantity and location of new signs required from DHJ.





  1. Footpaths, Stiles and Gates

New Permissible Footpath agreed with Shakenhurst as indicated on map. Three gates to be installed at the pools, A loan of one Kissing Gate to Cleobury Mortimer to be replaced in October 2021.


  1. Neighbour Watch Scheme

Updates being issued via web page when available.


    • Reference: 21/03827/PMBPA  (validated: 04/08/2021)
      Address: Proposed Barn Conversion To The South Of, Neen Sollars
      Proposal:  Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class Q

Applicant: Mrs N Hamilton (Hardman’s Dale, Milson,  DY14 0AT

Resubmitted Application


  • Reference:  21/01767/FUL  (validated: 17/05/2021)

Address:  Hilltop Barn, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AL

Proposal:  Replacement of septic tank and soak away with a new BIO-3 Sewage treatment plant

Applicant: Mrs Anita Rose



  • Reference:  21/03499/FUL

Proposal:  – Conversion of former pig shed/store into residential use

Applicant: Wood Farm, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 0AS.

Pending Consideration


  1. LTN Legal Briefings Updates

Councils acting as Landlords.

Private access over residential / recreational ground.

Academy schools.

Councils as Charity trustees of Village Halls

Membership of Sub Committees.


  1. Place Plan

Update on Shropshire Place Plan available on request.


  1. Public Participation

Suspended until further notice


  1. Public Correspondence.

Parishioner requesting date of FFTP implementation.


Parishioner has identified the increased number of Children in Neen Sollars and requests a review of relevant signage i.e., Beware Children at play…… Sign design to be agreed via email, purchased and located. Details to be given at next meeting.



  1. Meeting Dates 2021/22:

Monday: 23/08/2021 Ordinary Meeting

Monday: 22/11/2021 Ordinary Meeting

Monday: 24/01/2022 Precept/Annual Governance

Monday: 21/03/2022 Annual return / Ordinary Meeting

Monday: 16/05/2022 Annual Meeting


  1. Meeting Closed: 20.11

Note: Parish Council meeting will now start at 18.00Hrs



  1. Communications from SSC:


  • BDLs –                       NALCs News letters
  • SALC Bulletins –                       John Champion ~ PCC Newsletters
  • Pot holes (Madge Shineton)
  • Flue Jab update
  • SSC news in Brief
  • Clerks net working
  • Clerks Knowledge training
  • Planning White paper
  • Madge Shineton Oct PC report
  • Community reassurance update
  • Many Covid 19 related correspondence
  • Census updates and correspondence
  • Gwilym Butler Monthly updates
  • Various updates and training sessions see on request.
  • Shropshire Vaccination update
  • Sustainability and Climate Change
  • OPCC Safer West Mercia Plan



Signed as true record: ……………………………………………..



Date: …………………………….