Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL
Date: 03/12/2018 Start 19.00 Hrs
Cllr Chris Jones (Chairman) 01584 890486
Cllr David Jones (Vice Chairman) 01299 271204
Cllr Steve Painter 01299 832981
Cllr Anne Horsley 01299 271225
Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson 01299 271258 Tony Price (Clerk to Parish) 01299 271535
- Apologies: Cllr D. Jones Cllr A Horsley
- Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None
- Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 24/09/2018 Signed as true record
- Accounts
- Current account balance £7639.99
- Community Benefit £5398.02 Election account £ 251.55 • Invoices for signature. None
- Community Benefit: None
- Parish Assets:
Neen Sollars ~ £2,623.90
Milson ~ £1,020.00
- Community Benefit Deed Applications Application for £417.38 World War 1 Commemoration agreed and paid.
- No New Applications.
- General Data Protection Regulations 2018
- Change of bank account and sort to send fee.
- Pot Holes / Road Conditions A request for grit bags to be deposited at Dint Hill and by Haughton house and Tetstill corner.
- Highways – 30 mph sign and Gateways
- Boundary Gates costing submitted for consultation. Costs to be taken from Community Benefit fund. 30 mph Signage to be put on Village Gates, funding agreed of £1754 plus signage TBC. Motion raised CJ seconded SP.
- Environment and Maintenance Grant
- Clerk has submitted an application for £1500.00 for 3 consecutive years. There are conditions to funding which have been confirmed, awaiting response in early 2019.
- Lengthsman progress
- October work sheet made available to Council.
- Request for a Litter bin in the layby between Milson and Trapnell Bridge. Additional Bin to be located at Milson Green, funded by Community Benefit, costs to be confirmed next meeting.
- Request in December to clear the verges on the bridge over the Rea within normal hours. Benefits – stop weed growth in Spring and reduce mud on Bridge.
- Milson Village Green.
No update required. Cllr C. Jones.
- Village Hall Rate review 2018
- Request to remove from Minutes.
- Web Page.
- No Issues reported.
- Electoral Changes. None
- Dogs fouling footpaths.
- Cllr D Jones to update on current position.
DJ and TP to decide number of and location of Signs in conjunction with Parishioner from Milson. Still outstanding
- Riparian responsibility.
- Shakenhurst Riverside management. Cllr D. Jones to update next meeting. Carried forward.
- Neighbour Watch Scheme Updates being issued via web page when available.
- 17/04272/FUL
Address: Proposed Affordable Dwelling NW Of Rose Cottage, Neen Sollars.
Proposal: Erection of an affordable dwelling and associated works
Applicant: Rose Cottage, Neen Sollars, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 9AB)
Awaiting Decision
- Reference 18/03349/FUL
Address The Hole Milson Kidderminster Shropshire DY14 0BT
Proposal Alterations to existing dwelling including raising the roof
Pending Consideration
- LTN Legal Briefings Updates
- None
- Crime Reduction Group meeting (CM)/LJC Cllr C Jones updated meeting on current developments. To report at next meeting.
- Place Plan Published on Web Page no comments
- Public Participation. None
- Public Correspondence. None
- Date of Next Meeting:
- 21st January ~ Ordinary Meeting
- 25th March ~ Ordinary Meeting
- Meeting Closed. 19.37 Hrs.
- Communications from SSC:
- BDLs
- NALCs News letters
- SALC Bulletins
- John Champion ~ PCC Newsletters
- SC Cabinet Agenda
- TPC Agenda Car Parking at Guild Hall
- SALC Up-coming Courses
- Shropshire Fostering
- Neighbourhood funding
- Speed signs for Wheelie Bins
- SALC Area committee Agenda
- EMG funding
- CiL Contacts
- Affordable warmth Conference
- Community Enablement reduction of £648,480 K in SC funding CiL and Place Plans
Signed ………………………………………
Date: …………………………………………..