
Ordinary Meeting 19 01 2015

Minutes Uploaded on February 10, 2022



Held at: Victory Hall, Neen Sollars, DY14 0AL


Date: 19/01/2015                                            Time: 19.00 Hrs



   Cllr Graham Wilkinson (Chairman) 01299 270175

Cllr Chris Jones (Vice Chairman)    01584 890486

Cllr Steve Painter                             01299 832981

Cllr Anne Horsley                            01299 271225

Cllr Mazella Witts-Hewinson           01299 271258

Tony Price (Clerk to Parish)                        01299 271535



  1. Apologies:

Tony Price – holiday. In Tony’s absence Graham Wilkinson will take the minutes


  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

GW declared his connection with the Save Our Green Hills campaign as only an update regarding the Solar Park was required the decision was that he remained


  1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 9th December 2014

These were agreed and signed off as a true record by GW


  1. Planning

Fern Cottage – meeting was informed that the application was approved with no considerations.

Solar Park – GW updated the meeting on the current situation which was little change from the previous update on the 9th December 2014

Solar Park – It was confirmed that the reply to TGC’s letter of community benefit was returned on the 19th December 2014.


  1. Action Place Plan

The Action Place Plan has been submitted on the 5th January 2015 and it will need input from Councillors as to priority.  It was agreed by all Councillors to thank Tony Price on the hard work and quality of the document that he produced.


  1. Precept submission

Precept submission as previously agreed has been returned on the 31st January 2015

The motion was passed to subscribe to SLCC.  Proposed by CJ and seconded by AH and passed unanimously






  1. On-line Banking Process/Signatures/Authorisation

The motion was passed to print off all invoices and a requirement of two councillors’ signatures to authorise the Clerk to transfer funds via BACS

Motion proposed SP, seconded by AH and passed unanimously


  1. Local Government Transparency requirements

The meeting was informed that requirements to publish information (not applicable to Parish Councils below £6.5m)


  1. Invitation from NHS ‘Future Fit’ to attend meeting in the next three months

Meeting was informed of this invitation.  A number of councillors expressed an interest to attend when the date is confirmed.


  1. Action Points from meeting dated 9th December 2014

Contract of Employment for the Parish Clerk.  After discussion it was felt the NALC Contract of Employment does not suit the needs of a small rural Parish Council.  It was agreed that this should be put on hold until TP has returned from holiday and GW and CJ will discuss and formulate an acceptable contract of employment with TP


  1. Adoption of Telephone Kiosk Milson

The meeting was informed that the kiosk was adopted from the 9th January 2015.  We are still waiting to hear from the British Heart Foundation regarding the grant to purchase the two defibrillators (one for Milson and one for Neen Sollars)


  1. Correspondence was submitted and viewed from SCC



  1. Meeting closed at 7.25 p.m.



  1. Date of Next Meeting: 16th March 2015


Communications from SSC:


  1. Register of Electors available for all Councillors
  2. SALC nominees for Chairman/Mayor Buckingham Palace Garden Party

20 May 2015

  1. Shropshire Cabinet Council resolution not to pay Council Support Grant to Town and Parish Councils.
  2. Community Health News December 2015
  3. Vacancy Astley Parish Council.
  4. Outdoor Adventure Spots conference 22/01/2015
  5. Information Bulletin 09/01/2015